Chapter 18 The Purple Spire

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The 2 of them waited for about 30 min until finally, someone showed up. But instead of 1 person, there are 2 people walking in. One is an old man in his 70s, but he looks a lot younger becuse he is a powerful mage. It is well known that mages with a lot of magical powers and sword masters who can use auras live longer and look a lot younger than they are. So while he is in his 70s he looks like he is in his 40s. The more powerful the mage the younger they look. The old man has a long black beard and is bald. His eyes are orange and he is black in color. One can tell that he is from the far west with the way he looks. He is also wearing a black and white mage robe with an emblem of a white fox on his chest. These it the clothes that only the magic elders can wear. The other person is a woman with long scarlet hair, round black eyes, and white skin. She looks like she is in her 30s and looks like a sexy vixen through and through. Most men would drool over her when they see her but would not dare to get close and while she looks beautiful they can tell that she may be a rose but she is not a rose without thorns. One would not dare to get close to her when they see her in the white robe that she is wearing today. It is the uniform that only an archmage is allowed to wear. Complete with the black unicorn emblem that she wears as a pendant. 

Seeing that the Archmage of the purple spire is visiting them personally they get a little surprised but it doesn't show by their expressions. The magic elder and the Archmage sit down on the sofa facing them. While the elder looks very serious the archmage smiles at them like a vixen. Her eyes looked at both of them with interest although to Maryden it seemed like she was only looking at Lucius. Seeing this she thinks that she is interested in him and that is not strange after all he is handsome. But it makes her feel a little uncomfortable after all she is not good enough for him. Someone like the archmage is more compatible so she feels bad. No matter how many times he tells her that he doesn't mind she can't help feeling that he is just being kind. She knows herself very well and only an outcast like her would truly like her. Even if what he said is true it is only becuse he doesn't know what she is yet. The thing that she keeps telling herself is that she needs to tell him but it keeps getting punched forward. Besides, there is no way that he could he good feelings for her after all they barely know each other and they used to be on the opposite side. She would think so as well if it wasn't for her situation, as someone who is hated like her for some reason she can't hate them back.

The magic elder: " Greetings, I am the first magic elder Arku and she is the archmage of this tower Lavibell, the vermillion enchanter. You are here to seal the treaty for the ownership of the Harsh lands, are you not?"

Lucius: " Yes."

Arku: " Well then, you are in luck as the vermillion enchanter has decided to oversee it personally."

Lavibell: " Ah, dont be so stiff Arku."

Arku: " I must."

Lavibell: " Such a bore."


Lavibell: " Alright, here is the deal, we help you with this magical seal deal, and then you supply us with the magical cores, pelts, and stuff to us. We will also help you with enchanting. It is a win-win deal.

Arku: " Lavibellm, we can't involve yourself with politics."

Lavibell: "What, but using the seal is also politics, besides we are only providing enchantments while we get materials. It is not like we are helping them to help them in war."

Arku:" It is still politics."

Lavibell: " How is it any different with us selling our enchantments to anyone with money?"

Arku: " ..."

Lavibell:" See."

Lavibell: "So what do you think, mage." She says as she looks ar Lucius.

Lucius: " I am not a mage."

Lavibell: "Oh, why do you say so?"

Lucius: " I am a magic swordsman."

Lavibell: " Ah, it is rare to see someone with mixed profession."

Lucius: " That is becuse few have the talent for it."

Lavibell: " Ah, how arrogant. I like it. Do you want to join our tower?"

Lucius: " No."

Lavibell: " Well, you are not as interesting as the lady beside you anyway."

Hearing this Lucius gets a little vigilant and says: " You are not thinking of stealing by wife are you?"

Lavibell: " Ah, I would but that is impossible since you are already bound. A pity really, I have never seen such a breed before."

Hering this Maryden realizes that she has discovered it but keeps quiet, but if Lavibell could see her eyes she would see the dangoures look she was directing at her like a bird of prey waiting for the kill. If she dared reveal anything she would attack. She may be an archmage but she is a sword master. There is no telling who would win.

Although Lucius is unaware of what she means he does get a little angry with her calling his wife like she was a dog: " Are you disrespecting my wife?" He says with restrained killing intent. 

Realizing that he is unaware that she did say something offensive she apologizes and then gets back to business. 

Lavibell: " So do we have a deal."

Lucius: " Yes."

Lavibell: " Alright then, just give me the documents and we will magic seal it, I will also add our deal to it."

Hearing this he nods and gives her the treaty documents, Lavibell casts a spell on it then she puts a special golden wax seal on it that is infused with the magic of all the mages of this mage tower. Once that is done she gives it to Arock and he also puts a spell on it and seals it with another wax seal but this time it is instead infused with unicorn blood. Once that is done he gives it back to Lucius. 

Lavibell: " Well then, now you can be on your way to your new home." Saying so both of them are prepared to leave until Lavibell tells Maryden to stay as she wants to talk to her alone. Seeing this he hesitates but Maryden tells him it is alright and he walks out together with Arku. Now when there are only 2 of them Lavibell starts to speak.

Lavibell: " So do you need my help?"

Maryden: " With what?" She asks confused.

Lavibell: " The more powerful your kind are the harder it is to control yourself during your magic surge."

Maryden: "..."

Lavibell: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone and I mean you no ill will."

Maryden: "Magic doesn't work and suppressants only work when there isn't a full moon."

Lavibell: " Did an archmage do it for you?"

Maryden: " No, but even if it did you would have to be with me evry time I lose control of my emotions. That is simply not feasible."

Lavibell: " If you can give me a few you your suppressant medicine then I can see if I can improve it. Seeing your unstable magical energy I am sure you need it."

Maryden: " Arent you an enchannter?"

Lavibell: " Yes but my best friend is the archmage of the Alchemy tower, I am sure he can help you. Don't worry his lover is like you, well, but less powerful. I am sure he will help and keep quiet."

Maryden: " Can you make a promise oath?"

Lavibell: " Sure."

15 min later Maryden walks out and then they can finally enter the Harsh lands.

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