Chapter 20 The Harshlands Part 2

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Their tent is an A-frame tent that is large enough for both of them to stand up. It is made of magic-infused cotton. This is a highly-priced fabric that only those of utmost importance can use such as generals, royalty, top-ranking nobles, and high priests. This is becuse making this cotton fabric is expensive as it needs the farmer to hire mages that periodically infuse their magic into the plants until it is time for harvest. As one can tell hiring mages is very expensive and few want to use their magic for farming so finding a willing participant is even harder than paying for it. But the end product is as useful as it is rare as magic-infused cotton is strong enough to withstand typhoons and it can regulate their temperature so that it is always 20 Celsius no matter the weather. Doesn't matter if it is a snowstorm or a hot summer day. It is waterproof and fireproof and most wildlife can not break in. It is also built so that no one can hear what is happening inside but those inside can hear what is happening outside. So being able to get a tent like this is worth all the money. 

During wartime, some tropes had medical tents made out of magic-infused cotton. But only some had the luxury to have them.  Lucius's army did have such luxury while Maryden did not. That is not to say that Avilen did not have them it is just that no one gave her access to them. After all, they only had 30 such tents 15 of them were used as medical tents 10 of them were for the other generals, and the last 5 were for important storage like magic items and food. These tents were distributed before she had any high ranking in the army and when she did they did not have any extra to spare and they did not bother to a new one for her either. 

Lucius: " We have some time before dinner is ready..." He says as he rubs his neck like he is nervous or embarrassed. But if he is Maryden can not tell becuse he has no such expression on his face she does notice an unknown wave of emotions in his eyes but she doesn't know what it is.

Maryden: " Are you trying to ask for something?"

Seeing her oblivious and innocent expression he can not help but sigh, then he walks closer to her and leans over. So close that she could feel his hot breath landing on the left side of her neck. A warmth that makes her tremble a little bit and feel a tingling sensation in her chest. 

Maryden: Am I nervous? After this thought, she hears him whisper into her ear.

Lucius: " I am asking if we can have some alone time, in our tent and maybe have some intimate practice." 

Hearing him say this in a very seductive voice Maryden freezes on the the spot, not knowing what to say or what she is feeling but seeing him look at her waiting for an answer she quickly recovers. Thinks that she is lucky that she is so well-trained in handling her emotions as she would be long dead if she were unable to.

Maryden: " Outide in the tent?"

Lucius: " Yes... is it too much?" He says as he finally realizes that it might be inappropriate. After all not only are they outside with a lot of men outside. They are also in one of the most dangerous places in the world, although nothing has happened yet it doesn't mean that it will not happen. But he has already asked so he will not back out now unless she doesn't agree to it. Besides the tent is soundproof and with their senses they can sense danger before anyone else, giving them enough time to put on enough clothes and run out to face any danger thrown at them. Even if he did not detect any danger it is impossible that a swords master like Maryden can not, and if she can't then she would not sense it even if she was very vigilant. That is one of the perks of being a sword master and that is that they can sense danger even if they are in a comma. 

Maryden: "... How far?"

Lucius: " As much as you feel comfortable with, although this time I want to try to touch you this time."

Maryden: " ... Alright."

Lucius: " Are you sure? I dont want to force you."

Maryden then looks at him straight in the eyes with determination.

Maryden: " Yes, We are married and I believe that it is in our best interest that the sooner I become used to it the better."

Hearing this Lucius's heart starts to beat faster with excitement and he almost could not control himself from dragging her into their tent and devouring her right there and then. But as a well-trained soldier in both magic and sword fighting, he has a high amount of self-control so he keeps calm without any changes except a smile on his face that makes Maryden blush slightly. Lucius controls himself since what he wants is not a sex partner but a healthy relationship with his wife. If he rushes in and does all he wants to do when she is not ready he can't forgive himself even if she does with her attitude towards duty she most likely will, he can't do it. Not only would he disgrace his title as a soldier but also disgrace himself as a man, husband, and human being. He would be no better than an animal in heat, no he would be worse than that. 

Lucius: " Alright then, let's walk in and please tell me when to stop."

Maryden: "Understood." She says just like a soldier who was given an order from her superior. Which prompts Lucius to chuckle with a mix of endearment and amusement.

Lucius: She is so adorable.

Then the two of them walk in and close the opening of the tent behind them and Lucius activates the soundproofing. This now makes him wonder if this was added not only for important information from not leaking out but also for situations like this one. After all why else would people outside of soldiers and merchants want this function? It is to be said that this function is only added on later and it makes the already expensive tent even more expensive, yet they all add them even though they have no use for it. But that thought is quickly pushed aside as it doesn't really matter. As he turns around to face Maryden and asks: " Can I be the one who takes your clothes off?"

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