Season 1 chapter 17 the aftermath of the female titan attack

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Mikasa and Levi were currently following the female titan who still had both Eren and Gennadi.

Levi: maintain this distance. She may be tired. She does not appear to be going very fast.

Levi looked at the Titan corps that was from Gennadi at the female Titan as she had Gennadi in her hand.

Levi:( that must be Gennadi Titan form also.) it's unlikely both Gennadi and Eren are alive it looks like she bite Eren out of the nape from his Titan and it looks like she ripped Gennadi from his Titan form.

Mikasa: There alive! The target appears intelligent, and its goal seems to capture Eren but I don't know the reason why it has Gennadi and he might not be okay since it looks like she hurting him with its grip.

Levi: "It is possible that Eren is alive and in her mouth for transportation, but I don't think Gennadi is going to  survive being held that tight-"

Mikasa: he's alive!

Mikasa said interrupting Levi.

Levi: you sure sound confident...

Levi says in a calm casual manner, Mikasa just glairs at him.

Mikasa: if you'd done your damn job and had them protected, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Levi then turn toward Mikasa.

Levi: "I see, you're that  girl who's got a thing for Gennadi. His childhood friend, it all makes sense based on your reaction."

Mikasa just looks at him.

Levi: we'll limit ourselves to a single goal. First we have to give up on killing the female Titan.

Mikasa: it kill to Many of our comrades!

Levi: As long as it can harden its skin, we can't kill it. Do as I say. We'll just have to pin our hope on those two still being alive. I'll handle all the cutting. You draw her attention while I cut Gennadi out of the hand and get Eren out."

Mikasa: right!

Mikasa flies forward in front of the Female Titan, she notices the female Titan still had gennadi in her hand.

Mikasa:( I'll get back!)

Mikasa thought. Levi draws closer behind it. The Female Titan turns suddenly and punches toward Levi. Levi dodges and cuts along the Female Titan's arm .

Levi: ugh! Ngh.... urgh!

Levi slashes into the female titan's face leaving the blades inside her eyes blinding her.

Levi: Ngh...!

Levi launches off from the Female Titan, he refits his blades, and cuts along the Female Titan's legs.

Levi: Ngh...! ugh... urahh! Ngh...!

Levi cuts the back of the Female Titan's neck and he the cuts the female Titan hands. The Female Titan falls to the ground.

Mikasa:(He's fast! So fast that it has no time to harden its skin.)

Levi continues cutting into the Female Titan. He cuts its arms, and the arm covering its neck falls to the side.

Levi: Ngh...! urahh

Mikasa:( now's my chance.  It's weakened now. I can kill it now.)

Mikasa shoots her hook into the female Titan shoulder as she was trying to get Gennadi out from the female Titan hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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