Season 1 chapter 5 the struggle for trost part 1

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Before they  could say anything, a huge wave of steam blew them  off the wall luckily for them  they  had their  ODM gear on. Everyone and Gennadi  grappled to the wall then they  notice that the gate had been broken through.

Connie: The wall...  It's broken!

Connie said with a scared tone.

Eren:(It's happening again! The Titans are going to get in!)

Thomas: Mounted Cannon Maintenance Squad 4!

Gennadi  then thought of his aunt getting killed again, before  he was able to grab  his  blades, he heard Eren

Eren: This is our chance! Don't let it get away!

As Eren propelled himself to the top of the wall to deal with the Colossal Titan, Gennadi  went down below to make sure no titans got through the whole.


Eren currently landed on top of the wall.

Eren: hey, there. It's been five years since we met.

Eren was ready to take out the Colossal Titan, until it moved its hand to swipe at him

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Eren was ready to take out the Colossal Titan, until it moved its hand to swipe at him. But he  dodges it and he then  noticed that he took out the cannons  Eren then thought to himself.

Eren:( He went for the cannons! And he didn't take out the gate by accident, either! He does have intelligence..!)

As Eren m was about to piece it together when the big titan  reached his hand out to try and crush him . He  reacted quick enough and fired his anchors on to its arm then propelled himself using his gear to try and aim for the nape of the neck. As he was  about to slice the nape, the giant releases a huge wave of steam to prevent him  from getting at the nape. Eren  try to struggle through the steam blast, and he got to strike it with his blades. When he  tried to slice through the steam the Titan disappeared.

Eren:(No... The Colossal Titan disappeared!)

Eren thought to himself as he fired his  anchor onto the wall so he  wouldn't fall. Then Gennadi asked him.

Gennadi: hey! Eren what happened? Were you able to kill it.

Eren: No! It's just like five years ago! He suddenly appeared, then suddenly disappeared!

Eren then climbed back to the top of the wall with the other.

Eren: I'm sorry. let him get away.

Gennadi: hey Eren you don't have to apologize about nothing we'll fine a way to kill that titan.

Attack on titans x Oc story: the secret titan. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant