Kobe wasn't far behind, Kai took a second to see his dad jump over the fence with the pup, he set the pup down and changed. The three of them were running through the pack village, everyone was watching the three of them play. Kai didn't care since he was having fun, and besides, he was their alpha.

Kai stood no chance against his dad in a race, it was just simple logic. He was still a teenager and still with a normal wolf size body. While his dad was an adult and his wolf was the size of a bear, like all adult werewolves.

So Kai started to weave through people's backyards, that was the only way that he could prolong the inevitable. He already could hear his father's heavy breathing so it wouldn't be long before he would be caught. Kai made a desperate attempt to lose him by dashing around a house and hiding behind the wall that his dad would run by. It worked, until the pup saw him and started to barking, running over to him. Kai growled at him, and jumped over the pup. His dad was to close now, so when he jumped over the pup, his dad tripped him and pinned him with one paw.

"Caught ya!" His father exclaimed. None of them were out of breath, Kai had more energy in him still, he just wanted to run and run. Kai started to struggle, seeing that it wasn't working he started to nip at his dad's face. The pup ran over and started to pounce and paw at Kai's face.

"Stop that!" Kai growled. The pup growled back and nipped at Kai's ear, Kai yelped and got out from under his dad's paw. Kobe picked the pup up by the scruff of his neck and started to carry him back home. "That was fun."

"Agreed," Kobe said, the pack was glancing at the three of them. The beta came walking over with his head down.

"Alpha," Kai's dad inclined his head. "If I may ask, who is the pup?" Kobe laughed and started to explain how they found him and so on. "So you found him in the woods?"

"Yes, didn't I just tell you that?" His beta nodded, and started to sniff the pup.

"He's an active little one."

"He seems to be more active today then the other day," Kai pointed out, his dad agreed with him.

"Maybe he is more used to us now," Kobe said, Kai tried to shrug but it didn't quite work out. The pup started to struggle, growling softly at Kobe. "Oh stop that, you aren't getting out until we get home. And talking about home, Kai, I want Tristan out of my house when we get home."

"Why?" Kai asked, his anger was evident in his tone. He hated that his dad didn't like Tristan, even if he wasn't his mate.

"Cause I'm your father and alpha, so Tristan is out of the house when we get there."

"Why don't you like him? Like honestly? What has he ever done to you?" Kai asked, growling at his father.

"I just don't, I don't trust him," Kobe answered, not even glancing at his son. The pup fell silent at the sudden tension between the two of them.

"Is it cause you don't like me being gay?" Kai asked, Kobe stopped abruptly.

"I'll see you around alpha," their beta said quickly, and dashed away.

"I have always agreed with you being gay!" Kobe dropped the pup, the pup started to back away, his whole body was tense. "Just cause I don't agree with the guy you have sex with all the time, means I don't agree with you being gay?"

"So you don't like me being happy?" Kobe started to growl back at his son.

"Are you happy?" Kai faltered, giving his dad a chance. "Cause you don't seem happy, when ever I see you, your miserable."

"Well maybe I'm happy only when I'm with him? Thought of that?"

"I can tell that your only tolerating him, it's so obvious. The way that you look at him tells it all," the pack members were starting to watch their alpha and his son fight. The pup started to back away quicker, his hackles were on their ends.

"Why can't you just accept that I like having him around?"

"I can, if you did," Kai's hackles were on their ends, he was ready to pounce at his father and attack him. "Your my son, and I love you. I wouldn't be against anything that you like, but you don't like Tristan around, I can tell."

"You don't know!" Kobe stepped closer to Kai, who got ready to pounce.

"I do, and I know how much it hurt to not be able to find your mate."

"How do you know how hard it is!?!"

"Cause it took me until I was 20 to find my mate, and your mom. And when does a werewolf start to be able to find his or her mate?"

"At 16 we can feel are mate...." Kai relaxed a bit. He noticed the pup walking back slowly.

"Exactly, so I know how hard it was, and can get," Kobe padded over to his son and nuzzled him, "so are we all good now?"

"Yes," Kia looked up at his dad, and gave him a wolfy grin. The pup walked back over to them, he barked up at Kobe and Kai. Kai could only laugh at the little pup. Kai pawed at the pup's face, the pup attacked his paw and started to gnaw on it. Kai scooped the pup up in his muzzle and started to walk back home, with his father beside him.

They placed the pup down at the front porch and changed into their human forms. The boy stayed in his wolf form. "He's like a dog," Kai thought aloud, his dad chuckled. The three of them walked into the kitchen, Kai's mom and Tristan were sitting their. Tristan smiled and walked up to Kai.

"Have fun?" Kai glanced down at the smaller werewolf, who was close to him, his hand on Kai's chest.

"Yes I did," Kai pushed Tristan away gently, his dad looked at him. "After breakfast, how about you go home."

"Ah! I don't want too!" Tristan whined, looking up at Kai, with big puppy dog eyes. Kai only crossed his arms and gave him a stern look. "Fine, I think I'll leave before breakfast though." With that Tristan weaves around Kai and went out the front door.

"That's my boy," Kobe praised, sitting down in his usual place at the table. The pup pounced on Kai's leg, and barked up at him. Kai smiled down at the pup, he bent down and scooped the pup up in his arms. Kai sat down, and started to pet the wolf pup in his lap. The little guy started to relax a bit, and just laid down in the boy's lap.


Sorry it's short, but...idk. It's getting hard to write this book. So if you like the book comment, or I think I'll be putting it on hold until further notice. I like the book, but it's hard to write it. So comment, even if its just a simple, "I like your book." And that's it.

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