Under the trapdoor

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Third person view

As the weeks passed, it was still difficult to get over what they had seen in the forest. He never knew how he managed to take the exams without worrying about Voldemort breaking down the door. It was very hot in the Charms room. Professor Flitwick had given out special anti-glue feathers so the students couldn't cheat.

As for the practical exams, Flitwick called them into the classroom one by one to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance on the table. Minerva watched as they tried to turn a mouse into a snuffbox and increased points for the box's beauty, as well as decreasing it if the box had whiskers. Snape, by far, was the one who made them most nervous; it was practically glued to their neck as they tried to remember how to make the forgetfulness potion.

The last exam was History of Magic, they spent an hour answering questions about old wizards who invented cauldrons and other shit that almost made Isaac fall asleep in the middle of the test.

"It was easier than I thought," said Hermione as they gathered in the garden. "I need not have learned the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct nor the revolt of Elfric the Ambitious."

Hermione loved going over exams - which Isaac found strangely adorable - but Ron said he felt bad afterwards.

"We finished! Thank God!" Isaac cheered as he fell backwards onto the soft grass. He felt so happy that he could listen to a Taylor Swift song without complaining. Harry rubbed his forehead.

"I wish I knew what that means!" He exclaimed. "My scar won't stop hurting, I've felt that, but not that often."

"Find Madam Pomfrey." Hermione suggested.

"I'm not sick." Harry snapped. "I think it's a sign... It means danger is coming."

"I think we need to make a projector with a lightning signal, like Batman's, so we'll know when you need to save the wizarding world once again." Isaac joked.

"Bat what?" Ron asked confused.

"Leave it there." Isaac left his head lying on the grass, watching as his friends talked. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind that made him practically jump.

"Where are you going?" The three asked at once.

"I just remembered something" Isaac brushed the grass out of his hair. "We need to see Hagrid now."

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked, but Isaac was already running through the garden towards the cabin.

Hagrid was sitting in an armchair outside, shelling peas into a large bowl.

"Hello" He greeted them with a smile. "Are the exams over yet? Would you like some tea?" Ron was about to say yes, but Isaac interrupted.

"It was bad, but we are in a hurry. Hagrid, you know that night you won Norbert? Do you remember the face of the person you played cards with?"

"I don't remember," replied Hagrid. "He didn't want to take off his cloak..." He raised his eyebrows when he saw that the four of them were in disbelief. "It's no big deal, there are a lot of strange people at Cabedo de Javali, the village's pub. He could just be a dragon seller."

"What did you talk to him about, Hagrid?" Isaac questioned. "Did he say anything about Hogwarts? Or something like that?"

"Perhaps." Hagrid thought. "Yeah, he asked me what I did and I said I was a gamekeeper here... Then he asked me what types of animals I took care of... and I said... and he said that what I always wanted to have was a dragon... I don't remember very well... because he kept buying me drinks... Let me see... oh, yes, then he said he had a dragon egg, and that we could play it in a card game if I wanted to... but I needed to be sure that I could take care of the animal, I didn't want it to end up in an old people's home... So I replied that after Fluffy, a dragon would be a piece of cake..."

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