xviii. devilish acts

Start from the beginning

He had no idea what was to come to this but whatever it was, he was going to defend jones to the end.

• • •

As soon as they arrived to Quantico, the rest of the team was already in the conference room. Everyone was standing around the table, kind of tense because they know what Hotch was about to announce wasn't going to be good.

Aaron looked amongst his team, "As the text said, the Sherwood killer is back which means there's another victim."

"We going back to Nevada?" Thomas asked.

"No because the victim is here in Virginia."

"If that's the case, are we even sure it's the Sherwood killer?" Morgan chimed in, "Their called Sherwood killer for a reason."

"Same signature, same everything. They moved which got me thinking of why." Hotch mentioned.

Spencer looked to Thomas, "Is jones still in Nevada?"

He immediately took offense, "You think i got something to do with this just cause im from there?"

"Thomas . . . " Emily looked his way, "If we know his whereabouts, we can rule him out as a suspect."

"Like I said back in Nevada, i will defend him to the day i die. Jones is a good man."

With that, Thomas stormed out the conference room and began heading to the double class doors. He wanted to get out the building and clear his head but on his way out, he was suddenly stopped.

Dean stood in front of the glass doors, waiting for his brother.

Thomas approached him, "What are you doing here?"

"We got to talk."

Thomas immediately shook his head, "I'm busy right now. This can wait till I'm off the clock." He walked passed Dean, proceeding to the exit but was stopped by his brother's sudden words.

"It can't wait, Tom."

Thomas sighed, turning around, "Five minutes."

The two went and found a quiet room, jj's old office and as soon as they closed the door, Dean immediately began speaking.

"You're rushing into this and you got to slow down." His arms flew, "Other than attractiveness and lust, what do you and Chrissy really have? Do you love her?"

Thomas slowly turned around, "You pulled me out to talk about my love life? Seriously?" He let out a cold chuckle, "Or is it because you can't fathom with the fact that i am getting my chance with her."

"I'm just looking out for you. You don't love her and she doesn't love you."

He immediately shot back, "I could."

Dean placed his hands on Thomas' shoulders, "Be honest with me —— the only reason you're going through with this is because you can't handle what's going on with jj. She had a kid and is still with Will . . . "

Thomas aggressively shoved his brother's hands off him, "You don't know nothing and if you can't support my relationship with Chrissy then don't bother coming to the engagement party or wedding."

Thomas once again, walked passed him about to exit the office.

"You're making a mistake!"

Thomas continued down the hall, leaving his brother behind, "With you coming back in my life?! Yeah, i agree!"

The team was headed towards the elevator when they overheard Thomas. He watched as the elevator closed and he noticed there was one person missing, which was Rossi. With that thought in mind, he turned around and headed back to the office area, walking through the double glass doors.

As soon as he did, he connected eyes with Rossi who gestured towards him to come to his office.

With a sigh, he began his way there and the door was already open by the time he got over there.

Rossi instructed him to sit and he did was what he was told.

"Hotch thought I should be the one to tell you —— " Dave began, "You're off the case. For one, we're sure it has something to do with you, and two, you're too emotional. You're not thinking clearly."

Thomas abruptly stood up, "You can't be serious!"

"Sit. Back. Down."

And Thomas did.

Rossi continued, "We're pursuing Jones Vanderbilt. Right now, he's the only one looking good for this investigation." He finished, "It would be in your best interest not to intervene in anyway. Got it?"

Thomas lightly scoffed, "Yeah, I don't —— "

"Do I make myself clear?" Rossi immediately interrupted.

Thomas looked him dead in the eyes, "Whatever you say."

He stood up and exited Rossi's office. He made his way to his desk, gathering a few things. After that, he proceeded to the elevator where he soon glanced at his phone because it was vibrating. He saw it was Jennifer but didn't answer. Instead, he let it go to voicemail as he was walked into the elevator.

Once reaching the lobby, he left the building and hailed a cab. He was going to go back to his apartment but after what happened with Dean, he quickly changed his mind. Instead, as soon as a cab pulled over and he got it, he gave the driver Chrissy's address —— where he's been all the time the last couple months.


to be continued . . .


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To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now