Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs

Start from the beginning

"May I enter?" Jisoo's query was tinged with a sense of deference, a testament to the respect he held for Jeonghan. With a nod, Jeonghan welcomed him into his sanctuary, an unease lingering in the air as he dreaded the possibility of Jisoo's disdain.

"You are always welcomed here," Jeonghan assured him, shifting on the couch to make room for his trusted confidant. As the maids entered with a tray of nourishment, Jisoo's gentle concern for Jeonghan's well-being softened the edges of his apprehension.

"I heard you still haven't eaten," Jisoo remarked, directing the maids to place the food upon the table. "You must nourish yourself adequately to regain your strength."

Jeonghan met Jisoo's unwavering gaze with moist eyes, overwhelmed by the purity of his friend's compassion. Amidst the tumult of palace politics, Jisoo remained a steadfast pillar of support, devoid of any trace of malice or reproach.

"Have you eaten?" Jeonghan inquired, his gaze lingering on Jisoo as he settled into a seat opposite him. Though the distance between them spoke volumes, the unspoken bond of trust between them remained unbroken.

"Yes," Jisoo replied simply, his actions speaking louder than words as he portioned out a serving of food and gently pushed it towards Jeonghan. "Partake of this sustenance. It shall restore your vigor."

With a trembling hand, Jeonghan accepted the offering, his chest tightening with emotion as he contemplated the stark contrast between his treatment within these walls and the punishment he believed he deserved.

"Do you-u hate me?" Jeonghan breathed out, clutching the bowl close to himself, his gaze fixed upon it, fearing the potential onslaught of hatred.

A sigh emanated from Jisoo as he leaned back in his chair.

"Hate you? Do you desire honesty?" he inquired, his eyes piercing into Jeonghan's, who nodded, preferring the bitter truth over layers of deceit.

"As Seungcheol's brother and as a prince of this kingdom," Jisoo began, drawing a deep breath, "I harbor great animosity towards you. I wish for the weight of all the world's pain to burden your shoulders, making every breath a struggle," he swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice cracking, before reaching out across the table to grasp Jeonghan's hand.

"But as your friend in this realm, as the sole individual to whom you have slightly revealed yourself," he smiled, looking up at Jeonghan, "no, I do not hate you."

"What you've done, though understandable from your perspective," Jisoo's voice resonated in the vast chamber, his eyes wandering over the intricately carved walls, "does not necessarily align with what is truly right."

"The consequences could have been dire; our kingdom could have mourned the loss of its sovereign, the Sel left without its protector, and our people facing untold hardships," he spoke with a weighty tone, each word carrying the gravity of the potential outcome.

"I would have lost my sole blood relation, my brother," Jisoo turned his gaze to Jeonghan, a mixture of sorrow and understanding in his eyes, "and you, you would have been deprived of your cherished love."

"Now that the deed is done, we must strive to leave the shadows of the past behind," he sighed, his fingers intertwining in a nervous dance. "We must steel ourselves for the trials that lie ahead."

"I must take my leave," Jisoo rose from his seat with a sense of purpose. "Seokmin's treatment session awaits, and my presence has been promised."

"How fares he?" Jeonghan's concern was palpable, his gaze fixed on Jisoo. A fleeting smile graced Jisoo's lips. "Improving," he reassured before departing the chamber, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with unresolved emotions.



I hope you all can understand where Jeonghan/Seungcheol/jisoo/Junhui/wonwoo/mingyu (in short everyone) comes from? I want to explain everyone's perspective and I hope I am able to do that

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I hope you all can understand where Jeonghan/Seungcheol/jisoo/Junhui/wonwoo/mingyu (in short everyone) comes from? I want to explain everyone's perspective and I hope I am able to do that.

Few chapters left untill the end of COH, Thankyou so much for reading ❤️

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