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Komi's mind was filled with good memories. She loved everything she remembered. But it was out of the picture now. She looked at Toby and seemed worried. "Now that we are out of that storm front, and we are away from it, we are getting closer to the library."
"Yea, we are. It's going to be great."
"I'm worried that we will see things we didn't sign up for."
"Who knows, maybe you'll see the royal weapon that use to belong to the crystal kingdom."

She still seemed worried. But the joy she may feel when she sees ancient history would blow her mind away. Toby looked around, fascinated by the world. He wanted to say so much more to Komi than anything reassuring. He forced himself to restraint himself from doing so. He decided to fix up his hair and keep walking. 

Hours later, the two decided to relax for a break. They needed to make more of a plan. Komi put the map down and in her bag. She gently placed her spear down and looked to her bag. She pulled out some bread and the two shared it. Then Komi spoke up. "We need a plan. Once we get to the library, we won't know what to expect. It could be dangerous."
"You worry too much."
"I know, but that doesn't matter. I do have some right to worry."
"That is true, very much so. What are you thinking for the plan?"

"Well, in any case, our weapons will be out and at the ready. But I'm thinking we both step in at once, making sure it isn't only one of us getting harmed if anything attacks. And we should always keep an ear out. We won't split up. It should be safer that way."
"I agree. It's always good to be in that way."

The idea of the planning ahead bored Toby, but he listened carefully. Something about Komi made him want to listen. He smiled at Komi as she spoke. And everything she said went straight to his head. The idea of working with her made him get butterflies in his stomach.

When they were ready, they got up and looked to the map. They looked to the direction and started walking. They made sure that nothing was going to attack them. Nothing seemed worrying. The birds flew above, singing a song. The bugs walked around peacefully. Nothing seemed to be an issue. Even the little animals that ran around made sure to keep away from the two. The forest was truly an amazing place. 

Then night fell. The moon glowed through the leaves and made a dark green glow. The fire flies suddenly glowed and flew around their heads. The night flowers bloomed and everything seemed perfect. The tall trees stood still and had a protective atmosphere. Komi smiled at the forest. She then knelt on the ground. She started to pray. "To the high above, Queen Pearl who saved us and those who gave her strength, please protect us in our forbidden journey. I apologise for abandoning the kingdom for our selfless act..."

"What are you doing? Is this something important?"
"... For all that's righteous. Queen Pearl."

Komi got back up. "Oh, yes, I was just praying. Not to  God though, just the powerful queen we had."

"I bet you feel better because of it."

Komi and Toby kept walking and they just kept moving on. They needed to get to the library as soon as possible, they hadn't seen any sign as the human king. But they needed to just hurry. 

A few hours later, Komi was beginning to think that the library was just a scary story. But she was happy. She was able to spend time with Toby. She seemed to be close to him. She was about to tell Toby how she feels when they bumped into something. It was a giant statue, of a female. Komi's eyes widened. "Oh my god."
"What is it?"
"That's a statue of Queen Pearl, the toughest ruler."
"That's amazing. But, why is it here?"
"I don't know. We never made a statue of her, because the rulers were never aloud to have one built. But maybe this is something new. Maybe the natural change of this place is just magical."

"Wait, what's that on the floor?"
Komi looked down and was curious to what Toby had seen. Her eyes widened at the sight of the original crystal rulers' crown. No one had seen it since the great war. Komi picked it up and realised it didn't match the crown Queen Ella would always wear. She then held her spear near it, thinking nothing of it. But then the crown and spear started glowing. A wave of energy flowing through both of them. Then the spear lit on fire. And the crown felt heavy. She felt like she needed to put the crown on. It was drawn to her. She decided to follow her urge. She gently placed the crown on her head. Her hair barely moved. She noticed the glowing accents of the spear got brighter. She smiled, knowing her connection to her weapon was stronger than ever. The entire time she thought that the queens before her mother just struggled to learn and master their chosen weapon, but the truth was the connection was weaker than ever. The whole time, no one knew the truth. But Komi was no even stronger than her mother, and even grandmother. 

Toby smiled at Komi as she put the crown on her head. She truly looked like a princess now. "Maybe its safe to say I'm friends with a princess."

"Yea. But now I know the truth of how the queens struggled with their weapons, it was just the crown being fake, I wonder if they knew. But why is the statue here with this."
"Maybe this is part of the magic. Seems as if the crown had this statue made. It seems as if the statue was made by the crown until the day something happens."

"That seems to be the right reasoning."

Toby and Komi then went back to walking, knowing that they needed to hurry. they hurried along and were walking quite fast. They needed to make sure they reached the library fast. Komi looked at the map again. They noticed how close they were to the middle. It was almost among them. They were days, hours even, away from the truth of the matter. The heart of the forest. The forest library. There was no matter of depth to where they were. They were close.

That night, when Toby was asleep, Komi was looking at the crown, it was a while since she felt power. Power like this was something she had never thought of. She felt nothing but pure power.

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