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Komi and Toby reached the bottom of the castle. Toby looked around worried. He didn't know if it was safe to be around there for long. Komi looked around and covered her head with her hood. "Let's get going." Komi said. The two started running to the market area. Once they got there, Toby looked in wonder. He had never seen something so clean. Every stool was clean and no one was breaking into them. The tavern was filled with laughter as they walked passed. They then went to the area filled with homes. They walked slowly and tried to be quiet. They didn't want to wake anyone up. Toby looked around and seemed very curious. Komi noticed this and smiled faintly. "I see you like this part of the kingdom."
"Yea. It's just. Everyone here has somewhere to sleep."
"Not everyone. But those who don't go to the ruler, my mother, and are given a temporary place, until there is a place for them. We wanted to keep homeless people happy. They most likely stay in one of the three taverns in the market place."

Toby smiled widely and they kept walking towards the farm. Toby couldn't help but look at every house. They all looked happy in their homes. Toby missed that feeling. Once they reached the farms, they could see every type of crop that the crystal kingdom would grow. Pumpkins, wheat, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, corn. There was also a mini orchard. Toby was confused. "These farms are endless. How are we getting passed these?"
"These aren't endless. We just need to avoid the orchard and we'll be fine. It's unlikely that anyone will be out here at this time."

They started walking and looking around carefully. Komi forces them to run through the corn field and they ended up at the edge of the kingdom, where a raging river stopped their path. Komi was surprised Toby had made it over this. They were about to turn back when the sound of whistling came from down the river.

A hooded man, sailing a boat floated across the raging rivers. He seemed like a crystal kingdom citizen, but it was night time and everyone else is sleeping. The hooded man stopped and smiled at the two. "Hello you two. What are you doing by the river at this time of night?"

"We need to cross the river."
"Very well, my name is Jacob. I ride this river back and forth. I can take you to the other side of the river."
"Thank you sir."

Komi and Toby both get onto the boat and Jacob sailed down the river. It didn't take long for them to reach where they could easily get off the boat. They said their farewells and the two walked towards the forest. It was a couple days walk before they would be at the forest. This meant Komi wouldn't need the map for a while. Komi stopped and turned to Toby. "I hope you have a plan, to make sure we get there before your king."
"I don't. It was your plan to break me out and escape the kingdom."
"Indeed. But I was hoping you would be able to figure out a plan for while we are going to be in the forest."
"Well, I have one for that."
Toby pulls out a small knife. It was blunt and wouldn't be good to use. Komi seemed annoyed. She couldn't believe that he was carrying nothing but a small knife. "You can't fight with that. You'll get killed. At least I have my royal spear."

Toby put the knife away and they started walking. They needed to make sure they were far enough away before they could rest. They needed to make sure everything was safe. Komi kept an eye out for anyone was around and if they were in any danger. Toby looked at the ground, where the pale green grass was tall tame. "So, do you have any idea what we may expect in the forest?"
"No. But there is a few things that we may need to be careful with. I heard many stories from my grandmother, about the origin of the forest and the library."
"Yes. I remember them really well, as the stories scared all the other children I grew up around. They were all terrified of the stories. I loved the stories though."
"Do you want to tell me one? The humans refuse to talk about the forest, the library or even the crystal library."
"Sure. My favourite one was the story of the library itself. It was build hundreds of thousands of years ago. It was built as the castle of the crystal kingdom. There wasn't a forest there at first. The process of building the kingdom didn't get far before the human kingdom attacked. Their king wanted riches and the knowledge that the crystal kingdom hid there. After years of a raging war, no side could see the end. But the rulers were going to sign a treaty. They were both agreeing on terms. But the human kingdom attacked the crystal kingdom. While no one knows if it was the ruler's orders or not, but they were going against the treaty. But the Queen saved her people, barely. The peasants of both sides, who were tired of losing their family and friends to the war, made a treaty, both rulers signed it and peace was made. They hid the two royal weapons, the crystal kingdom hid their royal weapon, which takes the form of a weapon depending on the ruler. And the human kingdom hid their trident, the royal weapon for human's. They also had the crystal kingdom give up the castle, and turned it into the library it is today. They locked it away and no one has tried to go near it since. Its forbidden."

Toby listened to Komi talk to whole time. Not speaking or interrupting. He seemed fascinated by the story. When Komi finished talking, he was in shock. He knew his kingdom was the cause for them being isolated from the rest of the world, but he didn't know they had ever gone that far for power. "Wow."
"Yea. What stories have you been told?"
"I've never been told any storied. I worked all day when I was back in my village. All the children worked together on the farms and the adults worked everywhere else. We never had the time to tell each other stories, We also never sung any songs. We were really boring."
"That sounds like a nightmare."

"It really was. I'm glad I left."

Komi felt sorry for Toby. She never knew the human kingdom was that bad. She was sure they didn't need the power the rulers craved. She wanted to ask him more about the human kingdom, but she didn't want to risk making him upset. They kept walking and Komi told Toby all the stories she could remember that she was told. She loved sharing the tales she knew. And Toby couldn't help but feel like he's made a friend. 

Hours later, the sun was rising. Komi's feet felt heavy and weak. Toby noticed this and looked around. No one was near by and they couldn't see the kingdom anymore. They stop and Komi sits down. They both felt a weird feeling. They had made good progress and felt satisfied about how far they were. But Komi was clearly worried. She didn't know what they were going to face in that forest. She could be in more danger than she knew. For all she knew, she was facing an absolute mystery. Toby was looking around and smiling. "I'm glad that we get to do this."
"Really? I'm worried. We don't know anything about the forest."
"Yea. But we get to find out. And so what if we're raced for time, it just means that we get to experience what people got to before us."
"I'm never going to get over how you see things so brightly."

Komi smiles slightly and looks to the sky. It was peaceful as ever.

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