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In the thriving crystal kingdom, there was a princess called Komi. She was the kind of princess to make anyone calm down. She was the next in line for the throne of the crystal kingdom. She was smart, yet curious. She was also a fighter. She was loved by everyone. Her mother, Queen Ella, is a tough one. She's a tough ruler and taught Komi well. 

The beginning of this story starts in Komi's bedroom. It's pearl day an Komi was excited for the dance that evening. The day was filled with joy and the memory of Queen Pearl and her choice to sacrifice the crystal kingdom's best weapon. Komi woke up and smiled. "It's pearl day. I'm so ready." She said to herself. She dressed herself and made sure everything would fit. Everything that was meant to be perfect. She started to walk through the halls of the castle and smiled at everyone. She went to the throne room and saw her mother, Queen Ella. "Hello mother."
"Hello darling. How's the dress?"

Komi smiles and looks around. She noticed there were no guards. She was sure they had to have guards around. "Hey, where are the guards?"
"They're guarding the garden for the party. As we need to make sure the party is perfect."

"Okay. Can I go walking around the castle?"
"Yes, dear, you don't have to ask me."
Komi smiled widely and started walking around. She could tell the busiest places were lower in the castle, as it was quiet. She couldn't believe she was going to be able to stay up for the whole party this year. As she had only turned sixteen a few weeks ago. She saw the maids and guards preparing the grand hall and ballroom ready for the party. She smiled as she watched them set up the tables and the stage. She was excited to see the kingdom's one and only band play beautiful music of what looked like a diamond stage. She then walked down the stairs, towards the kitchen. She could smell delicious food being made. But she walked passed that, to the crystal caves underneath the castle. They were where the strongest weapons were made, even the strongest weapon ever made. But this year was very special. Komi could finally have her own royal weapon. Queen Ella was going to let her make her own weapon. That was why she was there.

Komi waited for her mother and the kingdom's main blacksmith. When they came, Komi smiled. "I can't wait for my weapon."
"I believe you're ready. So, I've noticed that when you were being trained, you loved fighting with the spear. So, lets make you a spear."

Komi looks through the crystal caves. She needed to find the best crystal that matched her energy. She walked deeper and kept searching. Then she saw it. A glowing green crystal. It matched her energy perfectly. It seemed to be ready for mining. She mined it and walked back to Queen Ella and the blacksmith. She smiled to them and showed the crystal. Everyone was surprised. "Komi, this crystal is green."
"I know. Is there something wrong?"
"The last person to have a green crystal weapon, was Queen Pearl. And her crystal was put into the royal weapon."
"The one hidden in the library for ten thousand years ago?"

"That's amazing."

Komi and Queen Ella handed the crystal and a staff handle to the blacksmith. Komi's weapon was going to be ready before the party. Komi still had a lot to do before she was ready. Queen Ella took Komi to the ballroom. There was a giant ball gown and a suit of armour. "What are these for, mum?"
"Well, your royal armour. And it may be basic now, but when you hold your weapon for the first time, while wearing the armour, it'll match your weapon. And the other is your ball gown for the party."
"That's beautiful, its amazing."
Komi smiled. She couldn't wait for the party. 

Hours later, Komi was in her gown, she was almost ready for the party. She thought this was going to be the best Pearl day ever. She got ready and it took hours. Her hair alone took three hours to do. But eventually, she was ready. The party started and Komi was walking and talking to the guests. She was enjoying the party and even danced with a few people. Then Queen Ella made an announcement. "Hello everyone, and good evening. Welcome to the Pearl day annual party. This year is more special. My princess, Komi, is getting her royal weapon. My darling, can you come here."
"Yes mother."

Komi walks over to Queen Ella and smiles. She was ready for this. Komi bows and Queen Ella gives her the spear they had made for her. Komi held it high and she smiled at everyone. They cheered and the party continued. Komi danced around and everyone was enjoying the party. But as it was in the royal garden, no one could see what was going on inside the castle. The guards were keeping watch when someone was running through the halls of the castle. It was a young boy, it is unknown whether he was human or from the crystal kingdom. The guards chased him around and tried to catch him, he almost made it to the garden, to disturb the party, but the guards stopped him and refused to let him go. The boy is dragged off to the dungeon. The guards refused to let the stranger ruin the party. 

Morning rises the next day, Komi had the best night. She woke up and was still smiling. Everything seemed perfect. She walked into the throne room. But she wasn't met by smiles, nor anyone laughing. She saw a strange hooded figure, kneeling in front of her mother. She seemed confused. "Mother, what's going on?"
"Hello darling. This hooligan broke into the kingdom and into the castle. He refuses to put his hood down and reveal whether he is from out kingdom or a human."

The hooded figure looked to Komi, noticing the colour of her spear crystal was red. He looked wide eyed and stared at Komi. The guards forced him to the ground harder and Komi looked shocked. "Excuse me. Can you please not hurt him at all."
"Sorry your highness. But this man could be dangerous. We don't know if he is endangering the alliance that holds between the humans and our kingdom."

"Take him to the dungeon. I'll talk to him later."
The guards agree and take this figure to the dungeon. Queen Ella looked concerned for Komi. "Komi, are you sure that it is safe for you to be going down and talking to him? I know you're trying to seem like a strong girl, but you don't know if this one is dangerous. And if its a human, we may need to talk to the human kingdom."
"But what if he has something bad to him and he is planning an attack?"
"Then the humans will be punished. They know better than to mess with us. But please, listen to me for once, don't go poking your nose in things you don't understand."

Komi leaves the throne room and goes to her room. She wanted to help her home and make sure the people are safe. But she couldn't go and sneak into the dungeon, that would be stupid. She needed to think. She needed to think of a plan to see this guy. She needed to know what was going on. She was hoping it was nothing wrong, but she needed to be sure. She passed back and forth in her room, thinking of how to deal with the situation. Everything seemed to be strange.

Night falls and she got an idea. She wore her dark blue dress and dark hood. She started to quietly left her room and quietly ran to through the halls. She rushed to the stairs before anyone could see her. She ran down to the dungeon, but she stopped before she reached the cell, she looked around and saw there was four guards. Komi smiled and knew how to deal with it. She quickly rolled a ball. Two of the guards followed it and the other two seemed unfazed. She had to think of another way to get rid of the other two guards. She needed to think fast. She saw rats and knew what she needed to do. She quickly grabbed a few rats and squeezed them, then let the run passed the other two guards. The guards got scared and ran. This was the right moment. Komi walked over to the cell and looked at the boy. "You better have a good reason to be here."

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