50 - Eliana

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Chapter Fifty | Eliana

A sky-rise building isn't particularly a discreet place to hide, that's for sure. But on the plus side, at the end of all this, I can push Angela off the top once I am done with her.

"So other than working at the orphanage, what else has the woman done to have you carrying three guns and seven knives?" Elena questions besides me.

"Just know that I am doing this for a very good reason." Is all I say, and Elena nods her head, knowing not to push on the subject.

We strut into the reception area and the man behind his desk shoots up with panic in his eyes. "Excuse me, you are not allowed to be in here!"

I pause in front of his desk and give him a friendly smile, pulling out my gun and aiming it at his chest. "Hello—" I take a glance at his name badge. "Ray. I am looking for a woman called Angela Graham. Old, haggard-looking thing. She rents one of the floors here."

"She is not h-here." He stutters, getting ready to make a run for it, so I grab a hold of his collar and pull him over the desk.

"She is, Ray. You know the woman I'm talking about." I lean down against his ear, so only he can hear what I'm about to say next. "She likes to take advantage of kids. Do you have kids, Ray? Would you be pleased if they were being taken advantage of by a woman like her or anybody for that matter?"


My smile tightens and becomes less friendly. "That's great. I'm glad we are on the same page, Ray. Now you can tell me where the fuck she is!" I yell and he flinches, a sob erupting from his mouth causing Elena to laugh at him beside me.

"She knows you a-are here. She has a helicopter on the top o-of the building. She's heading there." I pat him aggressively on the chest and lower my gun.

"Good man." I pat his cheek a couple of times and then drop him, heading for the elevator, and jumping over the barriers that restrict people from entering the building without a pass.

Elena and I step into the elevator and stand in silence for a moment as it takes us to the top, classical music playing around us before Elena disrupts the silence. "You can be one scary bitch." She smirks at me, rolling her red lipstick-stained lips and I raise a brow.

"I don't bat that way, Elena, so do not look at me like you want to rip my clothes off right now." She nudges my arm with a suggestive smile.

"Reid doesn't have to know." She jokes.

"And what about, River? She doesn't have to know either?" Elena's face drops and her bronzed skin pales. "Yes, Elena Morello. I'm very much aware that something is going on between you two."

"W-What?" She stutters, lost for words and that is a rare thing with Elena, she isn't caught off guard often, so I take satisfaction in catching her off guard on this elevator ride. "I-It's not like that."

"I see the way you look at each other and I went to take a piss in the middle of the night the other day and saw River sneaking into your bedroom. One thing about her, her stealth mode is shit. That girl is so heavy-footed it's unbelievable." Now Elena's face goes a deep shade of red.

"I don't think she's ready for commitment, Eliana. She just got out of a relationship with her ex-girlfriend because she couldn't commit." Elena sighs, resting her back against the wall.

"And you want commitment?"

"I'm heading toward my late thirties, babe. Of course, I want commitment. She's a little younger than me, so I think maybe she still wants to play the field."

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