Chapter 39: He's Ashamed That He's An Old Virgin

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Ji Baijian sent Song Zhizhi back home and had the driver drive straight back to the Ji family villa.

Yin Qin said, "You should have sent me back first. My place is closer. You're just increasing Uncle Wang's workload for no reason."

"I'm not," Ji Baiiian said, "You can qet off work now, Uncle Wanq. Yin Qin will

take a taxi back."

"Ji Baijian, is this how you treat your friend now that you have a girlfriend?!" yelled Yin Qin.

"Yup, that's right," Ji Baijian said no more and got out of the car.

He dragged Yin Qin out as well.

Yin Qin stared at him resentfully.

"Next time, don't listen in on what you're not supposed to," Ji Baijian dropped these words before walking into the villa.

Yin Qin gritted his teeth.

The sly old fox, Ji Baijian, would always get his revenge.

Yin Qin turned around indignantly.

When he did, he happened to see Ji Baixin who was coming down from another black car.

Their eyes met.

Ji Baixin averted her gaze, walked past Yin Qin and headed straight for the villa.

"Ji Baixin," Yin Qin suddenly called out to her.

Ji Baixin halted her steps.

"What do you take me for?" asked Yin Qin.

He was not in a good mood today, so...he kind of wanted to be unreasonable.

Ji Baixin paused for a moment before she replied, "As I've told you before, the marriage agreement between us is only made by our elders. It can be called off at any time."

Yin Qin sneered.

Ji Baixin did not care how he felt, "It's getting late, Mr. Yin. Goodbye." The moment she started walking again, Yin Qin grabbed ahold of her.

Ji Baixin frowned.

Yin Qin suddenly pulled Ji Baixin into his embrace, and before Ji Baixin could resist, he kissed her on the lips.

Ji Baixin was stunned. The next second, she fiercely resisted.

The two of them were in a tangle. Ji Baixin broke away.

After she broke away, she kept wiping her mouth with a disgusted look on her face.

But Yin Qin looked like he did not care. He said with a smirk, "You dislike me so much, Miss Ji? Seriously, that guy has long lost interest in you, am I right?" Ji Baixin glared at him, her eyes a little red.

Yin Qin said, 'You moved in to live with another man as soon as you became an adult, and after he's tired playing with you and dump you, you came back with your tail between your legs. Stop pretending you're so high and mighty. If not for your brother's sake, I wouldn't want to pick up tattered goods like you."

Ji Baixin did not say anything – not one word. She merely turned around and left.

Yin Qin just stared at Ji Baixin's back.

The heart was inexplicably painful.

Ji Baixin, I don't know how much longer I can wait for you!

Even someone as nitpicky as Ji Baijian had lost his virginity. And yet, Yin Qin was still an old virgin. He felt ashamed of himself.o

In the Xin family villa, the lights were bright.

After sending off the guests, the entire Xin family returned home. They were all very tired, so after saying good night, they each went back to their respective room.