Chapter 2: Rebirth

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


She thought she heard the sound of a violent collision, but it was not as painful as she had anticipated.

Her vision suddenly brightened up again after a momentary darkness. The sound of cars and people filled her ears.

She's not dead even after falling down 32 floors?

That's impossible.

Since Yi Wenhan had already admitted everything to her, there was simply no way he would let her live.

She rubbed her shaky head. Her eyes darted around to the streets that looked both recognizable and unfamiliar to her at the same time. Was she seeing things?

"Are you okay, sis?" A familiar voice sounded in her ears.

Song Zhizhi turned with a jerk to see her stepsister, Nie Xiaofei, beside her. Nie Xiaofei was as innocent and lovely as a soft white bunny and, at the moment, was looking at Song Zhizhi with a sincere look of concern.

What the going on?

Song Zhizhi stared at Nie Xiaofei in shock. Even the smartest brain would short-circuit in this kind of situation.

"I'll go take a look at what's happening, miss," another voice sounded, startling Song Zhizhi from her daze.

Song Zhizhi stared at the chauffeur in the driver's seat, Uncle Zhang, in disbelief. If her memory served her right, Uncle Zhang should have passed away three years ago.

She followed Uncle Zhang's gaze and saw a woman getting down from another car. Uncle Zhang got into a somewhat agitated argument with her. Evidently, a rear-end collision had taken place. The familiar scene stirred something in Song Zhizhi's memory. This seemed to be an incident that had taken place 6 years ago.

6 years ago...

Forcing her beating heart to calm down, Song Zhizhi turned back to Nie Xiaofei and asked, "What year is this?"

"What?" Nie Xiao Fei could not hide her surprise.

"What year in the Yanshang calendar is this?"

"2013. Sis, what's wrong? Did you hurt your head in the collision?" Nie Xiaofei appeared extremely concerned. Not a trace of hypocrisy could be detected from the worried look on her face.

This was why Song Zhizhi had been deceived by her!

"So you're 21 this year? And I'm 22?" Song Zhizhi once again seeked confirmation. After all, she was having a hard time believing that an event that one would only see in novels was actually happening to her.

"That's right." Nie Xiaofei nodded obediently and added with joy, "And tomorrow's my birthday! You just gave me a big birthday gift."

A big gift?!

Song Zhizhi bit her lip hard. She was now sure that this was not a dream. She sneered inside.

It seemed that the heavens were not blind after all! She had been reborn to 6 years ago!

6 years ago, nothing had happened yet.

Her brother was still alive, her father was still alive, and her home had not been taken over by the family of venomous snakes!

Since she got to start over, she would definitely return the favor tenfold!

She calmly adjusted her emotions and opened the car door.

"Miss." Seeing her climb down, Uncle Zhang was quick to respectfully greet her.

Song Zhizhi nodded and turned to the other woman.

MY LADY, TO DEFEAT SCUMBAGS YOU MUST START EARLYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora