Chapter 37: Engagement Party (2): I Don't Need A Reason To Pamper My Wife

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The back garden of the hotel.

Ji Baijian was not looking very happy.

Song Zhizhi did not pay him any mind. She was deep in thought. The milk was such a good way to feed the drug to her father; why would Nie Wenzhi not choose that method? Was the woman really that cautious? She made sure not to leave even a single trail of evidence behind?

"I think your family may have encountered a really formidable enemy," Ji Baijian told her bluntly, "Who could be the mastermind behind the scenes laying down this scheme? It's so meticulous as well..."

Song Zhizhi looked at Ji Baijian. She wanted to hear what he had to say. However, he merely shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's no way I'd know. "

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

Who the hell... was it?!

The only thing that she knew for sure was that it must be someone from the financial sector too. But there were so many notable figures involved in the financial sector in the entire Yanshang country. To investigate them and rule them out one by one was not a matter that could be done in a day or two.

"But finding out isn't as difficult as you think," Ji Baijian seems to have guessed what Song Zhizhi was thinking, "Whoever wants to sit in the highest position in the end will be the greatest suspect. Why not wait and see for now."

"My father's health can't wait!" Song Zhizhi was a little angry, "You know the danger of this drug. Am I supposed to just let it spread in my father's body?!"

"Investigate what other dietary habits your father has apart from the milk. The drug is definitely not inside the three main meals or everyone in your family will be poisoned too. I don't think Nie Wenzhi is ready to die together with your father," Ji Baijian reminded her, "The only thing you have to pay attention to is your father's personal habits."

"But I really can't think of anything other than milk."

"Don't limit yourself to just the food he consumes at home. There are other places too, like his office. Does he have any habits?" said Ji Baijian, "But more importantly, don't refrain from investigating someone just because you think you can trust them. Oftentimes, the ones you trust the most will hurt you the most."

"This is something I can speak from experience," Song Zhizhi sneered.

If she had not been so gullible, she would never have ended up in such a miserable state in her previous life.

A familiar voice broke the sudden silence, " Here you are!"

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian turned around and saw Yin Qin in formal attire. Although he usually had a rather lively personality, he was still a very elegant gentry, but in a different way to Ji Baijian. Ji Baijian looked calmer and more dignified, more aristocratic. He gave off an elusive vibe that was inexplicably attractive.

Song Zhizhi's pupils shook slightly.

Why should she care about how Ji Baijian looked.

"Am I interrupting your date?" Seeing that neither of them spoke, Yin Qin asked timidly.

"No," Song Zhizhi's answer was blunt, "With a person who wouldn't know romance if it hits him in the face, what date could there be?"

"Wouldn't know romance if it hits him in the face?" Yin Qin laughed, "An apt description."

Song Zhizhi also grinned.

Ji Baijian looked indifferent to their ridicule.

"By the way, did you enjoy what happened just now?" Yin Qin asked.