◉ Chapter 22

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Simran's curious gaze fell upon the autographs scattered around the dashboard of the car, a bemused expression crossing her features as she scanned through them. "What are these autographs about? Weren't you supposed to be working out?" she inquired, her voice tinged with confusion.

Akshara, still feeling glum and embarrassed from her encounter at the gym, sat dejectedly in the car, her expression one of resignation. 

With a heavy sigh, she replied, "Tell me about it. I'm always surprised how I end up in these embarrassing situations, however, they weren't offended and behaved politely and friendly with me...." Her voice trailed off as she recalled the awkward scene that had unfolded just moments ago.

Neha's anxious voice broke through, "By chance are you a reporter? You look quite suspicious!" Her eyes darted nervously toward Vikrant, while she glared at Akshara with uncertainty visible on her face.

Vikrant, ever the peacemaker, attempted to diffuse the tension. "Sorry about her," he interjected, shooting Neha a quick cautious glance. Turning his attention back to Akshara, he offered, "Can I help you, though?" he said, in hopes of diluting the situation.

Flustered and caught off guard by their scrutiny, Akshara scrambled to come up with an explanation for her sudden appearance. Her mind raced as she concocted a ridiculous excuse on the spot. 

"So... I... I'm a huge fan of you two!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with fake enthusiasm as she plastered a forced smile on her face. "I was too shy to start up a conversation! May I please get an autograph?" She held out some tissues and quickly grabbed a pen from a passerby trainer hoping to divert the attention away from her embarrassment.

She felt relieved that the awkward encounter seemed to end as the couple freely obliged her request and did not question further, making her sigh with relief. 

Back to the present—Akshara's drained expression conveyed her weariness as she turned to Simran with a plea in her eyes. "Simran, can I please go to a different gym?" she implored, her voice tinged with frustration.

Simran's response was pragmatic, her tone practical as she countered, "Do you have any idea how much the cancellation fee is?" But before Akshara could respond, her attention was diverted by the familiar ping of her phone, signalling an incoming message.

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Abhimanyu's name appear on the screen. With eager anticipation, she quickly opened the message, her eyes scanning the words eagerly. 

"It's a bit humid today, but it will still be a bit cold and windy during the morning and night so dress warmly," the message read, a simple yet caring gesture that elicited butterflies in Akshara's stomach. She couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at his thoughtfulness.

As she contemplated Abhimanyu's message, Akshara's mind wandered to their relationship. Despite his consistent expressions of love and care, she couldn't shake the feeling of insecurity that plagued her. 

"Even though Abhimanyu expresses and confirms his feelings for me every day... I get discouraged and feel insecure every now and then..." she mused, her thoughts swirling with doubt and uncertainty. 

"How can he wait so patiently when I haven't given him any answer?" she pondered.

Watching him approach her with such gentleness and understanding had always filled her with warmth, yet she found herself hesitating, unable to commit fully to their relationship. 

"I guess it's about time that I give him some type of answer," she resolved quietly, her mind made up.

While Akshara was lost in her thoughts about Abhimanyu, Simran had already begun driving them back to their apartment, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a comforting backdrop to Akshara's contemplations.

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