◉ Chapter 11

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Akshara stood near the parking lot of the filming location after her pack-up, her mind enveloped in a daze, reliving the moment she shared with Abhimanyu during the scene they just had shot. 

His playful yet genuine smile lingered in her thoughts like a gentle caress, filling her with a sense of warmth and nostalgia. Lost in this reverie, she was jolted back to reality by the sound of Simran's voice calling out to her.

"Hey, Akshu, get in the car, we are ready to go," Simran's voice broke through the haze, pulling Akshara back to the present moment.

With a sheepish smile playing on her lips, Akshara responded, "Oh, okay, coming!"

Slowly, she began to make her way towards the Parking lot, her steps light yet reluctant to leave behind the enchantment of the scene. The echo of Abhimanyu's words continued to dance in her mind, leaving behind a trail of lingering emotions as she reluctantly stepped close to the car.

As Akshara was about to settle into the austere leather seat of the car, Simran's intense gaze snagged her attention, causing her to pivot towards the direction of her friend's scrutiny.

"I think the celebrity news crew is here to interview the movie's protagonists," Simran remarked, her eyes glued to the cameras now capturing the anchor's enthusiastic introduction of the actors.

"Simran, when do you think I'll get to do interviews like that?" Akshara's voice tinged with longing, her eyes flickering with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

"Why, feeling envious?" Simran inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"No, I've surpassed envy. I'm just frustrated. I keep running forward, but why does it feel like I'm stuck on a treadmill?" Akshara's words carried the weight of her aspirations and the burden of her efforts.

"Then let's run harder! If we push ourselves until we drop, we'll surely step off that treadmill. Don't you think?" Simran encouraged, her determination shining through.

"And what happens when we do? We might not even be able to stand because we're too exhausted," Akshara countered, her voice tinged with a hint of scepticism.

"No, we'll grab some water and move on to a marathon! You've trained for seven years on that treadmill so that first-place medal will definitely be yours one day, I'm sure of it," Simran declared, her confidence in her friend unwavering, a proud smile gracing her lips.

A small smile grazed Akshara's lips as well and just when she was about to thank her for all the encouraging words, Simran's sudden change in demeanor caught her off guard. 

"Ugh...what an eyesore. That piece of trash can't even be recycled. What a mood spoiler. Anyway, let's go Akshu, no need to taint our eyes due to that dirtbag." Simran grumbled with annoyance while getting in the driver's seat, her frustration quite evident as she spotted Rohit.

Akshara too, was about to sit in the car, but she faltered as her attention was ensnared by the sight of Abhimanyu and the leading lady, Ms. Gargi Bisht, sitting with Rohit and engrossed in the interview. The atmosphere around them bubbled with lightheartedness, the exchange between the interviewer and the actors brimming with playful banter.

Abhimanyu and Gargi exuded a sense of camaraderie, their friendly rapport evident in the easy smiles they exchanged. However, a constant blush adorned Gargi's cheeks, her subtle touch on Abhimanyu's shoulder masking her fondness under the guise of friendship. Despite the playful exchange, Abhimanyu remained composed, his professionalism unwavering as he delivered witty responses and hearty laughs.

Amidst the joviality, Akshara found herself captivated by Abhimanyu. His laughter rang out like music, weaving its way into her consciousness, igniting a gentle warmth that suffused her cheeks. But beneath her admiration lay a disquieting sensation, a subtle ache of distance settling in her heart.

"How strange... I felt so close to him just an hour ago... but why does he feel so distant now?" Her thoughts echoed in her mind, grappling with the reality of their diverging paths. 

"No. I just forgot my reality because he was so kind and friendly to me. But he's not someone within my reach. He's a true celebrity... Tall, attractive, well-built, and with a wide range of acting skills. He is the epitome of perfection... A man with an unapproachable splendour all his own... A true Bollywood superstar with countless fans throughout the world... Our paths might not cross again... I mean, until yesterday, that was the reality I was living in... but why am I...?"

Her musings trailed off into the depths of longing, memories of their fleeting intimacy, shared in their scene, flooding her mind. The tender touch of his lips against her forehead lingered, evoking a rush of warmth that bloomed across her cheeks, betraying the turmoil churning within her.

With a quick, almost desperate gesture, she waved her hand across her face, as if attempting to dispel not just the blush, but the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm her fragile facade.

Simran's voice sliced through the air, jolting Akshara from her reverie, prompting her to hastily retreat into the confines of her car. Yet, even as she settled into her seat, her mind continued to churn with unsettling thoughts.

 "Strange... am I feeling like this because I'm still caught up in my role as Sia? Or..." Her words hung in the air, a silent plea for clarity amidst the swirling uncertainty. Within the cocoon of her thoughts, echoes of her character's struggles intertwined with her own, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. 

As the engine hummed to life, Akshara's gaze drifted towards the interview still unfolding, a silent reminder of the intricate dance between the roles she played and the emotions she felt.


As the interview wrapped up, Abhimanyu scanned the surroundings, his eyes searching for Akshara amidst the bustling crew. "Did Akshara already head back?" His thoughts echoed with a tinge of concern as he failed to spot her among the departing team members. 

With a sigh, he followed Ravi back to their hotel rooms, the weight of exhaustion settling heavily on his shoulders.

Entering his room, Abhimanyu shed the layers of the day, peeling off his shirt as fatigue gnawed at his bones. "I can't believe I have to shoot until eleven tonight when I just shot for about 18 hours without a proper break. Avdesh is a monster..." His inner grumble dissolved into the quiet of the room, his weariness momentarily forgotten as he noticed the pristine bed. 

"I had asked the cleaning service to not disturb for the day as Akshara needed proper rest... but she cleaned up the place herself... she seems quite meticulous," he mused, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Stepping into the shower, warm water cascaded over his weary frame, enveloping him in a soothing embrace. 

Yet, amidst the gentle stream, images of Akshara danced before his mind's eye - her tear-streaked face, her timidly shy smile, her void gaze during the shoot, the allure of her wet hair framing her enchanting features, the flash of anger when she misunderstood him, and finally, the radiant and mesmerising beauty of her smile and blush, which was directed toward him.

A sudden realization dawned on Abhimanyu, his thoughts swirling like the spiralling water around him, lost in the depths of contemplation as droplets continued to patter over his body.


Hello lovely readers💙,

I am back with another update, though the target was not achieved but, since some of the avid readers of this book had personally dm'ed me to continue with the story, so I won't disappoint them.

Please vote and comment your thoughts on the chapter and story so far.

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