◉ Chapter 19

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The soft glow of early evening painted the streets with a gentle warmth as Akshara walked briskly, a list of ingredients for vegetable porridge clutched in her hand. Her steps were rhythmic, but her thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, her gaze flickering intermittently to her phone with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

"He hasn't contacted me yet? Did he watch my audition until the end?" She pondered, her heart fluttering with uncertainty. "I was so immersed in the performance that only when Arjun said cut did I snap out of it. I suppose Abhimanyu had already left since he was nowhere to be found."

Her footsteps continued to echo on the pavement, each step accompanied by a cascade of introspective thoughts. "It's not like I was able to accept his feelings right away. But what am I even doing? Am I regretting it now since he's not reaching out to me? What a hypocrite I am..."

As she was lost in her labyrinth of thoughts, a sudden buzz from her phone jolted her back to reality. Abhimanyu's name flashed on the screen, causing a rush of nervous excitement to surge through her. With trembling hands, she hastily picked up the call, blurting out, "Did you reach the shoot safely?"

A soft chuckle resonated from the other end, Abhimanyu's voice gentle and reassuring. "Yes, I am safe, Akshara... I apologize for leaving without saying goodbye" he said and continued "By the way, you were phenomenal at the auditions. Keep up the good work." His words were a balm to her soul, filling her with a warm glow of happiness and excitement.

A brief silence enveloped the call, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging in the air. Abhimanyu's voice, measured and thoughtful, broke the silence, "Hmm... About the auditions... I am not sure if I read you correctly..."

He trailed as the vivid expressions from Akshara's audition—where she conveyed her inner turmoil about asking him to wait till she was ready to trust him and the fear of being perceived as selfish—flickered in his mind. 

Taking a deep breath, he continued "It's okay... So take your time, I will wait," Abhimanyu's words were gentle, filled with understanding and patience, causing Akshara to stop dead in her tracks, her eyes moistening with tears.

Her heart was a symphony of emotions, overwhelmed by Abhimanyu's caring nature and his ability to navigate her complex feelings with such consideration. He knew when to push her forward and when to give her the space she needed, always attuned to her needs.

A soft smile graced her lips through her tears as Abhimanyu's face flashed before her eyes, a beacon of warmth and understanding in her tumultuous world. 


Arjun beamed with pride as he introduced her to his team. "This here is Akshara Singhania, our precious gem! So take good care of her, alright?" he said, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm.

"It's nice to meet you all. I am Akshara, hope to make your acquaintance" she responded, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and gratitude. The studio was buzzing with energy as everyone welcomed her with warm smiles and cheerful expressions.

Feeling overwhelmed by the heartfelt reception, Akshara's eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I have never felt so appreciated. I look forward to working with you all," she said, her voice quivering with emotion, which earned a chuckle from Arjun.

"Come on, Akshara. Don't be so overwhelmed! After all, you are the main lead. Now that introductions are over, let's get back to work. Shashi, could you please show Akshara to her makeup room?" Arjun instructed, turning to one of his staff members.

Shashi nodded and gestured for Akshara and Simran to follow him. To their astonishment, they were led to a private room adorned with a sign bearing Akshara's name.

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