◉ Chapter 21

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Sitting in the plush leather passenger seat of the car, Akshara stared out of the window, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. The soft morning light painted the world in gentle hues of gold and amber, casting a serene glow on her face. Her eyes were distant, reflecting a mixture of contemplation and realization.

"Simran," Akshara began, breaking the silence, her voice soft yet determined. "While shooting, I noticed something about myself. My stamina isn't where it should be. I think it's high time I heed your advice and start hitting the gym. Working out could really help improve my endurance, and I could perform better."

Focusing on the road ahead, Simran slightly turned her gaze towards Akshara, her lips curving into a playful smile. "Oh, finally!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "But don't you worry? Who am I? I'm not just your friend, I'm your manager too. So guess what... I've already signed you up for the gym!" She let out a hearty cackle, causing Akshara's mouth to gape open in astonishment.

For a moment, Akshara was speechless, her mind racing to process the unexpected revelation. Then, as if a spark ignited in her brain, she asked, her voice tinged with scepticism, "So, when you woke me up at dawn, saying we had to be somewhere important... was it the gym you were talking about?"

Simran nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with excitement, which only deepened Akshara's sigh of resignation. "But isn't there a gym in our neighbourhood? Why have we been travelling for so long then?" Akshara questioned, trying to make sense of Simran's extravagant decision.

"Arrey! You're a rising star Akshu!" Simran exclaimed, her smile stretching from ear to ear. "You can't just go to some regular gym anymore. So, I've signed you up with a top-notch gym where most celebrities come to work out."

Akshara's frustration was palpable as she retorted, "That's just ridiculous! Who are we even trying to impress? And all that aside, where did the money to register for such a fancy gym even come from when we can barely afford to pay our utility bills this month?"

Simran chuckled while shaking her head in amusement. "Don't worry about it. I guess it still hasn't quite sunk in yet for you, but once that music video is released, you'll be trending on all the social media sites. So, clearly, this isn't ridiculous; it's an investment in our brighter future. Now, be quiet and come with me. We've arrived."

With that, Simran expertly parked the car, the engine purring softly as she turned it off. Opening the door, she stepped out, leaving Akshara to grapple with a whirlwind of emotions, from surprise and frustration to a reluctant acceptance of the unexpected turn their day had taken.


The gym was nothing short of a luxurious high-end hotel, with opulent interiors that spoke of extravagance and sophistication. Every corner was adorned with state-of-the-art machines and equipment, and the presence of high-class coaches and trainers added to its elite ambience. 

The members too, with their impeccable grooming and striking appearances, seemed to have stepped straight out of a fashion magazine, enhancing the gym's allure.

For Akshara, however, this lavish setting felt overwhelmingly intimidating. She felt like a fish out of water, out of place amidst the glitz and glamour. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, her posture slightly stiff and self-conscious.

Trying to lighten the mood and ease Akshara's obvious discomfort, Simran exclaimed, "Whoa! Look at you, girl! You're shining even in those baggy gym clothes. A true actress – beautiful and elegant always!"

Panicking at Simran's loud and exaggerated compliment, Akshara quickly placed her hand over Simran's mouth, her eyes darting around to ensure no one had overheard. 

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