Metaverse Navigator - Part Three

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The endless darkness of the corners in that room seemed to sap what little light there was in there, leaving the two of them trapped in an abyssal prison. The bruised Ren was watching the prosecutor with a cunning smile, observing the effect of his words on her heart manifesting in her face. She unconsciously covered her mouth with her trembling hand, her eyes were wide open as if she was witnessing a nightmare unfold before her. Ren's account of what had happened so far was so abhorrent and absurd, it did not compare to anything she had ever heard in any other case she had ever prosecuted. More absurd still was the look on his face, through his bruised face and eyes she could see smugness, almost as if he was reveling in her silent response.

" let me see if I understand you... " the prosecutor's hand relaxed off of her mouth, she spoke slowly and deliberately, trying to hide the trembling in her voice " inside this... this ' palace '... you found prisoners being tortured in unheard manners, prisoners you recognized as classmates from Shujin Academy? "

" I also heard of students in that prison getting literally—"

" s—stop! " she suddenly exclaimed, much to her own dismay. She could see a crafty smile on Ren's bruised face, which made her fear that her knee-jerk reaction might have been a mistake. She hastily tried to justify it, by furiously standing up, her hands slamming the surface of the table as she declared " I meticulously studied the file of your first target, there was absolutely no mention of students being tortured in such a... in such an... an INHUMANE way! It will be in your best interest not to lie to me, understand?! "

" for the third time, I'm not lying, sweetheart... I thought you realized that when you studied my file "

" I know that your case is one where the absurd impossible can and will likely happen, your crimes being facilitated by 'another world' means almost anything is possible... but I will not stand for you using that to cover up your lies! " she shouted back, making a point of pointing her finger at Ren to silence him

" huh... yeah, good comeback. It's reasonable to assume that I might use the outlandish nature of the case to slip three or four lies past you " Ren knelt closer forward as he looked directly into the eyes of the prosecutor " but I assure you... everything I told you is true, never once have I lied here. Instead of being so defensive, how about you ask yourself... what does the defendant stand to gain from these lies, what does he stand to gain from scaring his prosecutor at this time? What, do you think if I made you run away like a wuss, that would give me a chance to escape? Of course not! Here's an idea, just shut up and note down what you find interesting in my testimony, then when you leave this room you can filter what you can and can't believe, what do you think? "

" that's... that's reasonable... " the prosecutor begrudgingly sat down, gesturing with her hand for Ren as she said " continue "

" I wouldn't blame you for being so shocked of what you heard, the first time I saw those tortured prisoners, I thought I was going to go insane, I kept seeing them in my nightmares for weeks " Ren smiled as he added " but as I'm gonna tell you now... if I had known just what those prisoners were, I wouldn't have cared as much for their sake... "


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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