The Undesired

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It was a dark night, in a corner amidst the houses, a young man was making his way back home. The road to his house was illuminated sparingly by streetlights, which only served to signify how lonely his path was in that night, his only company being the distant barking of some random dog. While walking the streets, he could feel his headache worsening, which was a given after spending the whole day studying. However, a not-so distant scream snapped him back to reality, a woman nearby was in trouble. He continued walking cautiously through the small street, the voices growing closer " just get in the damn car already! You think you're worth the trouble you're causing me?! " a voice echoed amidst the pleas for help. The young man was still contemplating if he should follow the voices or distance themselves from them, but it didn't take him to long to see the sources of that conflict, as if he was driven to it by fate: a bald youthful man was harassing a woman in front of a car, his slurred speech made it clear that he was drunk.

" p—please... o-ow—! " the woman winced as the man twisted her arm " please stop... I'll... I'll call the police! "

" the police... ?! Heh... hehhahahaheh... sure, tell them to bring me a donut whilst you're at it! " he said cynically " the police are my bitches, do you really think... hic... do you really think they would take a whore like you seriously?! "

" wh—what? N—no! " the woman sobbed

" stop it ! Leave her alone! " the young man suddenly called out to them

" plea—please... " the woman immediately hid behind the young man " please help! "

" ha? Don't screw with me, you little shit !!!" The bald drunkard furiously yelled at them, as he brandished a pistol and aimed it at them " incompetent wastes like you need to shut up and watch me steer this country to prosperity! ". As he pulled the trigger, he immediately fired a shot at them, but his befuddled drunk mind led him to miss

The young man realized that this fluke wouldn't happen to twice, so he tried to tackle the drunkard and take the gun from him. He was immediately met by the pungent stench of alcohol from the man's breath as the two struggled for the pistol. However, the drunkard was already confused and his balance was already shaky as is, so it didn't take long for him to lose his footing and land face-first onto the railing that separated the pavement from the street. As he looked back at the two of them, both the young man and the woman around him were alarmed to see the wound on his face and the blood going down his mandible and into his neck and clothes. The fierce anger he felt at that moment must have cleared his mind as he glared at the young man.

" you... I'll remember your face... I'll sue you for all that you're worth, I'll make you wish you were never born, mark my words! "

The sudden rattling of the subway compartment snapped him out of his train of thoughts, the train had just stopped in one of the stations and was now departing, making a distinct whistle sound as it began accelerating away from the station

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The sudden rattling of the subway compartment snapped him out of his train of thoughts, the train had just stopped in one of the stations and was now departing, making a distinct whistle sound as it began accelerating away from the station. The seats in the compartment were arranged along the walls, and they were packed with passengers, leaving little regard for personal space as they sat close together into those uncomfortable plastic slippery seats. Around him the metallic poles and bars, as well as the handles arranged there, were clenched by other passengers who weren't fortunate enough to find a seat. Despite how crowded the compartment was, it was oddly quiet, nobody was having any kind of conversation between each other, the eldest among them were either reading newspapers or sleeping with their mouths open, the younger had their eyes superglued to their phones doing whatever they could to pass the time until their arrival, and between them were ones who weren't hypnotized by their phones nor were they interested in the boring newspapers, preferring to read a book instead or study in the places where they sat.

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