Metaverse Navigator - Part One

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Ren sat in that dim interrogation room, the withdrawal of the drugs from his system was muddling his mind, rocking his brain back and forth and leaving him dizzy and nauseous. Sitting before him was the prosecutor, who was reading through files and papers with a constricted frown on her face. By this point he could no longer tell how much time had passed since he was held captive in that room, not that he bothered to look for any clock within it, just the idea of skimming through the dark walls that surrounded him made his vision even blurrier. Regardless, the prosecutor eventually finished skimming through the files, allowing her attention to be focused on Ren once again. In response, he only gave a mocking smile, as he anticipated what she had to say about his testimony.

" there you have it, that is the drastic element that changed everything " he said with a confident smile " it's called the Metaverse Navigator, and through it, everything began for me... and for everyone "

" Metaverse... Navigator...? " she said, clutching her head as she tried to process what she had just heard " is that how you carried your heists?"

" yes... and I'd already told you how it works... of course, it took me a while to understand, too, so I don't blame you if you were confused "

" but... but this other world... " she said, opening her files and reading through them once again, her disbelief refusing to be quelled " I'd already known about this before this interrogation... but... but a school turning into a castle... a talking cat... and Personas and shadows?! Just what is this other world exactly?! "

" heh... well, like I said, it took me a while to figure it out, so I don't expect someone lesser than me to wrap their minds around it so quickly "

He's trying to get under my skin again she glared at him silently, but he only smiled back in response. She sighed exasperatedly and said " though time isn't on our side, I suppose it can't be helped, we'll address this issue later. For now, I'd like to know more about the of the phantom thieves' first target " she said, taking out a file from one of the folders she was carrying, which involved a crudely drawn red card and a picture. Though Ren could barely see them from the dimness of the room and the effect of the drug, he could still recognize the person in the photo with his muscled neck and broad jaw, the prosecutor introduced him to Ren sternly, elaborating " he was an olympic medalist, quite respected among his community, from Shujin Academy the P.E teacher : Suguru Kamoshida... to the people around him, he was the ideal teacher, respected by his peers and beloved by his students, a stern yet kind teacher "

" pfft... stern... yet kind... " Ren scoffed " what a joke... "

" that... is to say... " the prosecutor continued, unamused by Ren's interruption " nobody suspected anything about him, not until he was made to be the target of the phantom thieves, the first ever to be targeted by them as far as my research concluded, in fact. It didn't take too long for him to confess to everything and demand his own arrest... even in the interrogation room he admitted to all of his crimes with no effort on our part whatsoever... the abuse... the... the violation... "

" oh... no need to be shy, sweetheart " Ren smiled sardonically, noticing the hesitation in her voice when she spoke about him, he prodded her by saying " you can talk about his crimes, right? We both know what he did, so why don't you just say it out loud? "

" if you have the mental strength to laugh, then you have the strength to talk! " she interrupted him furiously, unamused that he would try to make fun of her in his current situation " there should have been no connection between you and him, should there?! After all, you had only recently transferred to that school, am I right? So why did you target him?! What did you do to him?! Tell me everything! "

" if you have the mental strength to laugh, then you have the strength to talk! " she interrupted him furiously, unamused that he would try to make fun of her in his current situation " there should have been no connection between you and him, sho...

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