Chapter 13

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My mission to free innocent campers on the Protected Planet changes when I've run up a hill, out of the swamp and then climbed a tree with ladder-like branches. I look down into a cleared forest to find an illegal operation.

A large and malfunctioning E.T. portal is spewing out random subspecies.

I remember years ago when a malfunction in the E.T. manufacturing company's portals kept sending everyone into a select few Key portals, rather than their input destination. They were all taken off the market due to the problem.

Apparently this Key portal was still in operation.

I watch what's happening with the sparking and warping E.T. portal, which is unstable and dangerous.

Completely random families or lone individuals, couples on dates, people dressed for work, anyone grocery shopping, or individuals simply dressed in sleep wear – are being spewed out violently from the Key portal. Not just humans, any kind of subspecies.

The confused people are then processed by some kind of illegal cartel. I can see from up here that they immediately push people back into the Key portal that they're not interested in. But they do pull out every single woman.

To stop unnecessary screaming and protest they're all immediately gagged, handcuffed and hauled off into a different pen. On another side of the pen are working and safe E.T. portals as people who choose to be here – line up to purchase the stolen women.

It's happening so quickly and efficiently it's blowing my mind. My eyes flicker between the platform where random people step out, the line filling the pen – and the line leaving the pen. In and out. Stolen, trapped, bought, gone.

My hand immediately settles on my growing bump, as I watch the head of the operation, suddenly target a mother holding a toddler in her arms. He takes the child and shoves the mother back into the malfunctioning Key portal. I hear her scream get cut off by the sudden kidnapping and the portal warping her out so she is unable to respond further.

My adrenaline spikes as I watch the female toddler being forwarded to the front of the line. She's confused and wide eyed, looking around for her missing mother.

I forget about my Kors and their Hunt momentarily. I must act now to stop this!

I quickly line up the targets.

There's only three men choosing the victims including the ringleader who's yelling orders down the line, three more men usher the stolen into the pen with their belongings tossed aside into a scrap pile, while guard dogs roam about, making sure no one escapes. Puddles of blood suggest to me any attempted escapes simply end quickly and violently.

At least twenty or more men are selling the victims at the other side of the clearing.

From the looks of it, the whole set up is temporary and they'll be gone as quick as they've set this up. Maybe a few days they remain in one area, maybe even a single day.

In the hustle and bustle I hear a loud hush – across the whole camp.

The ring leader notices and the malfunctioning Key portal is powered off as he looks at the front of the operation where the buyers are lining up.

He whistles for the dogs to join him as he marches to the front to deal with the towering giants.

Vega and Capella have turned off their Stealth and taken off the chains around their mouths, showing fangs and venom – I assume they're going to buy females to Hunt?

Everyone can tell they're Kors by their height alone coupled with the giant and dripping fangs.

The fact they're Elion has caused the power dynamic to shift to Vega and Capella.

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