She gently took out her both her palm from their hold not wanting to wake them up

Amaira stood from her seat , stretching her arms and frowned not seeing Xander and Xavier

She remembered that when she fell asleep they were not here also

Where are they ? ~ The question roamed in Amaira's mind which made her walked towards the rooms in the plane ,she know that Ciao is with the captain probably guarding the Romanos even in the air

Amaira entered in a room only to get shocked seeing Xavier and Xander sitting on the bed with few bottles around them and a chess board

"What the hell Guys ?" Amaira muttered in shocked which made them turn their head to their sister

"What ?" Xander asked while Amaira sat beside him

"You're playing chess that too without me" Amaira gave them a look as they had did some crime

"You were sleeping Stella. That is-- leave that. Wanna join ?" Xavier said as Amaira nodded 

"Wait ! What is this ?" Amaira said picking up Xander's bottle which was immediately snatched by him as soon as his sister picked it up

"Just soft drinks. Shut this spy work of yours and play if you want" Xander said making Amaira rolled her eyes and started playing with Xavier while Xander picked the bottles from the bed placing them on the side table 

"Where is my horse ?" Amaira asked looking at Xavier who gave her a 'Idk' look , innocantly

"Xav , You're cheating. That is so wrong. I'm not playing with you" Amaira whined , messing up the chess board making Xavier laughed at Amaira's face 

"Everything is fair in love and war and game with sister. Dont you know Aira ?" Xander teased pulling Amaira by his arm around her neck

"Why do you love choking me , Xan ?" Amaira asked as always Xander do this 

"Yeah ! Any problem" Xander smirked to which Amaira reply with a 'Oh' 

"BIG BROO !" Amaira yell making Xander left her at which Xavier laugh loudly while Amaira smirked to which Xander roll his eyes

"What happen guys ?" Carlos burst into the room with Ethan and Ciao beside him to which the three sibling gave them a innocent look

"What happen ?" Amaira asked frowning looking at her big bro and then said looking at Xander and Xavier "Nothing. Did something happen guys ? No. Nothing happen, Big Bro" 

Carlos gave them a look knowing they were just messing around but sighed not wanting to scold them and Ethan interrupt saying "Guys , We're about to land. Lets go" 

Everyone nodded while Amaira said "I'm coming after washing my face. You people go. Shuu Shuu" Amaira said shu-ing Xander like a dog to which he was about to say something but Carlos grabbed his arm dragging him out

Amaira giggled at the scene making everyone smiled leaving the room

Amaira went into the bathroom , washing her face , throwing her fingers through her hairs setting them and left 

"COME FAST TWINNY" Ethan yell from outside as she hissed yelling back a coming and was about to leave but she was thirsty so grabbed one of the bottle from the side table placed by Xander there and drank the whole in one go

"Ewww ! What is this ?" Amaira pulled the bottle out from her mouth , the taste was bitter. She putted the bottle back and went shrugging but wiping her lips , hating the taste

"Girls always take time" Amaira heard Xavier saying to which she punch him making them laughed while Xavier glare at Amaira 

"Mr. Carlos , we are about to land please be seated" Ciao said making them sit on the places with belt around them

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