14. Movie

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Author 's Pov :

"I said na..No Horror movie that means NO HORROR MOVIE" Amaira yelled at her brothers who looked at her being amused.

Right now.. Carlos , Matteo , Xavier , Xander , Ethan and Our Little Amaira are in their theater room and discussing what genres of movie they should watch.

It was Ethan idea and everyone agreed to it. But , now all are fighting that movie should be of there choice.

Salvatore and Alessandro are in office cause its 7 pm at evening and they will be late today that was Their Father messaged to Carlos.

"The movie will play as per everyone's choice" Carlos yelled getting irritated of the chaos created by HIS DEAR SIBLINGS.

Everyone made sucked faces and sat while Carlos smile seeing them.

"Votes for Horror Movie" Carlos said and all the boys raised their hands in the air except Amaira who made a crying face looking at His Big Brother

"If My Buttercup doesn't wanna watch horror movie, no horror movies will played" Carlos said 'End of discussion' tone while Amaira smiled and boys huffed

"You are such a scary cat , Cupcake" Matteo said in a bored tone and all boys except Carlos agreed with him

"Dont call me that. I'm not scared of that" Amaira said to him in anger and stood up infront of him.

"Then , Lets watch Horror Movie and Prove me wrong" Xavier said to Amaira in a challenging tone.

"But , I wanna see Avengers Endgame" Amaira whined and stared at everyone

"Lying to hide your fear Amaira" Xander said looking at Amaira while She narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not lying. I am--" Amaira said to him but got interrupted by Ethan

"Please Twinny.. you will have a lot of fun watching horror movies. Please For Me." Ethan made a sad face making Amaira frustratedly Sad

"Fine. Lets watch Your-SO-CALLED-Horror Movies , Jerks" Amaira yelled and sat beside Carlos huffing making all the boys happy and all of them kiss on Amaira 's head making her eyes rolls

"I'll sit beside you Stella" Xavier said excitedly making other boys frown

"Why you ? I'll sit with MY CUPCAKE." Matteo said to Xavier making him glare at him

"Its final. I'm sitting with MY TWINNY" Ethan said and sat beside making Amaira smirk slightly

"No-one is going to sit beside me. I'm sitting with Big Brother. So , Just GET FUN WITH YOUR MOVIE" Amaira gave all the boys a tight smile and pressed the last sentence.

"You hear her Boys. You all missed the chance. Poor Brothers" Carlos smirked while putting his left arm around Amaira 's shoulder and she rest her head on his arm while searching for a less horror movie

Ethan played the movie and switched off the light and darkness covered the room. Amaira took a deep breathe knowing there is no-point of arguing to HER BROTHERS and pulled Carlos hand towards her more.

"Buttercup. If you feel scared , tell me and I will stop the movie." Carlos said to her seeing her getting scared and pulled her close to him while the boys glared at him but continue the movie.

Amaira 's Pov :

Amaira 's Pov :

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