Chapter 20: Improvised Leading

Start from the beginning

Nora: Sir! So from this, I assume today's simulation is based exactly on that?

Yap: (Nods) Correct, Nora. Like in the previous situations, everyone goes together in one go. Team leaders, step forward, please.

As the team leaders step forward, Yap continues with the instructions.

Yap: Today, your teams will face a series of challenges in a simulated battlefield. However, there's a twist. Each team leader will face a scenario where they are incapacitated or unable to lead for some reason. In these situations, one of your team members will need to step up and take on the role of leader, guiding the team to success.

He looks at the team leaders with a serious expression.

Yap: Team leaders, I want you to select a second-in-command from your team who you trust to take charge in your absence. This will be crucial for the success of today's exercise. Choose wisely.

As the team leaders confer with their teams, discussions ensue about who would be the best fit for the role of second-in-command.

Ruby: Alright, Team RWBY, we need to choose someone who can lead us effectively if I'm unable to. Any suggestions?

Weiss: Blake has always shown great tactical insight and decision-making skills. She'd be a good choice.

Yang: I agree. Blake, what do you think?

Blake nods in agreement, accepting the responsibility.

Blake: I'm honored to be considered for this role. I'll do my best to lead the team if Ruby is unable to.

Meanwhile, Jaune consults with Team JNPR.

Jaune: Alright, Team JNPR, who do you think should be our second-in-command?

Ren: Nora has a lot of energy and quick thinking. She might be the best choice.

Nora beams at the suggestion, eager to take on the challenge.

Nora: You can count on me, Jaune! I'll make sure we come out on top!

Similarly, Cardin discusses with Team CRDL.

Cardin: So, who do you think should step up if I can't lead?

Russel: Dove has shown strong leadership qualities in the past. He'd be a solid choice.

Dove nods, accepting the responsibility with determination.

Dove: I won't let you down, Cardin. I'll do my best to lead the team if the situation calls for it.

Meanwhile, Lyra consults with Team Vermillion.

Lyra: Alright, who do you think would make a good second-in-command for our team?

Alyssa: Evan has always been level-headed and strategic. He'd be a great choice.

Evan nods, ready to take on the challenge.

Evan: I'll do my best to lead the team effectively if needed, Lyra.

Lastly, Fiona confers with Team Garnet.

Fiona: Any suggestions for who should be our second-in-command?

Serena: Elliot has a good sense of strategy and teamwork. He'd be a reliable choice.

Elliot nods in agreement, ready to support Fiona and the team.

Elliot: I'll do whatever it takes to help lead the team to victory, Fiona.

With their choices made, the team leaders and their second-in-commands prepare to face the challenges ahead in the simulation. 

Yap: First up, team RWBY and Vermillion. The rest of you, I want you all to observe and take notes. Ruby Rose, Lyra. Step forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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