Chapter 20: Improvised Leading

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3rd POV

Yap: Well done, Alyssa. A strategic retreat can often be the most prudent course of action when faced with overwhelming odds. Remember to always prioritize the safety of your team and use your resources wisely to maximize your chances of survival. Excellent leadership skills.

With that, the discussion concludes, and the students disperse, reflecting on the valuable lessons learned.

With the students...

As they made their way to the cafeteria, Weiss gently nudges Ruby with her elbow.

Weiss: Told you not to take your chances. You as well, Yang.

Blake: You both almost got away daydreaming. Almost.

Ruby chuckles sheepishly, scratching the back of her head.

Ruby: Yeah, I guess we got a bit lost in thought there. But hey, we pulled through in the end, right?

Yang grins and throws an arm around Ruby's shoulder.

Yang: That's right! Besides, where's the fun in always playing it safe? Gotta keep things interesting!

Weiss rolls her eyes, but a small smile plays at the corners of her lips.

Weiss: Just try not to get too carried away next time. We don't need any unnecessary risks.

In the cafeteria, Team JNPR takes a seat together, still buzzing with excitement from the day's training.

Nora: Did you see the look on Jaune's face when Yap called on him? Classic!

Ren smiles, shaking his head.

Ren: Yes, but he handled it well. We all did.

Pyrrha nods in agreement.

Pyrrha: I think we're really starting to come together as a team, especially in these simulations.

Meanwhile, over at Team CRDL's table, they're discussing their performance in the training session.

Sky: Man, did you see how Yap called us out on our planning?

Russel shrugs, taking a bite of his food.

Russel: Yeah, we could've done better. But at least we know what to work on now.

Cardin nods, looking determined.

Cardin: Absolutely. We'll show him next time.

At Team Vermillion's table, they're exchanging thoughts on the day's events.

Evan: I still can't believe we got through that infiltration without a hitch.

Lyra smiles proudly.

Lyra: We make a great team. Everyone played their part perfectly.

As for Team Azure and Garnet, they're deep in discussion about tactics and strategies.

Alyssa: I never would've thought about using the environment against us as a weakness.

Fiona nods, her expression thoughtful.

Fiona: It's something to keep in mind for the future. We have to be prepared for anything.

The next day..

Yap: Today's lesson is improvised leading. Sometimes, your team leader may not be able to lead under certain circumstances. As you all have learnt so far, the battlefield, missions, operations all are unforgiving places, no matter your experience. Of course, this is not meant to take a jab against you all team leaders. However, such situation will inevitably occur. Team leaders are often the bridge between teams and people.

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