Chapter 5: Around Beacon

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3rd POV

Ozpin: Of course.

Arriving at Ozpin's office, Ozpin makes space for Yap, letting the latter have enough space for him to move around, while the former goes and grabs a few things.

Ozpin: You wouldn't mind some snacks and drinks, yes?

Yap: (Nods) As long as they aren't poisoned. 

Ozpin: (Chuckles) Don't worry, I won't stoop that low to poison someone who's wheelchair-bound already.

Yap only chuckles in response.

Yap: Then don't let me hold you from getting those snacks and drinks, Oz.

Shortly afterwards, Ozpin returns with some snacks and drinks.

Ozpin: I hope you don't mind some simple cookies and tea. Speaking of which, would you like some sugar to go along with the tea, if you'd like?

Yap: (Nods) Why, thank you.

Pouring a cup of tea for Yap and a mug of coffee for himself, followed by putting some cookies on a plate, Ozpin then selects the recording of the initiation, and plays it, starting from when the students are launched into the forest.

Yap: You still keep those launching pads?

Ozpin: (Slightly amused) They're an entertainment source on their own every year.

Yap: Sometimes I do question you.. (Turns back to watch the recording, while taking sips of his tea and grabbing a cookie every now and then)

Once they, or rather, Yap has finished watching, Ozpin asks for Yap's thoughts.

Yap: Hmm... Somewhat alright, I suppose. The girl in red.. Ruby Rose, was it? 

Ozpin: Yes? What about her?

Yap: Isn't she a bit too young? Still, never mind that. She has potential, yes. But..

Ozpin: You think she's immature?

Yap: If I were to deduce from the recording, yes. But even the heiress of SDC is not immune to getting herself lost, eh? Then again, these are first years. Nothing much to say about. (Coughs a little) 

Ozpin: ..I'll go get some medicines for you. Just hold on for a moment.

Yap: (Coughing and wheezing but gets it under control after a while) T-thanks..

Slowly patting himself on the chest, Yap takes deep, slow breaths to steady himself while Ozpin goes to get the medicines, along with some painkillers.

Once Ozpin returned with the medicines and painkillers, Yap consumes the medicine first, before reaching out for the painkillers. But before Yap could reach for the painkillers, Ozpin stops Yap first.

Ozpin: It's.. better if you don't for now. Keep those for later, alright?

Yap looks conflicted for a moment, before pulling his hand back. Wiping his mouth with a napkin Ozpin provided, Yap asks the former what's next.

Ozpin: I was thinking of showing you more of the campus while you were watching the video recording earlier. There's a lot to see, and I'm sure you'll find it all very interesting.

Yap: ... (Sighs) Alright. Lead the way, Ozpin.

Leaving his office, Ozpin gladly led Yap through the halls of Beacon Academy, with the latter still in his wheelchair, eager to show him more of the campus and introduce him to the students and faculty.

Making their way, Yap couldn't help but feel a slight sense of both trepidation and excitement. He knew that he was entering uncharted territory, both in terms of his own health and his interactions with the younger students.

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