Everyones Replaceable (s2 e1)

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Just fyi sometimes in parts I'll use my own places so in the show if someone gets first they might get second in this book for the storyline

Alessia's pov
It's a new competition season today!! I've been working super hard over the break and all of my teachers say that I've improved so I can't wait to show Miss Abby.

More exciting news is that my younger sister Hannah is competing with us. Now she's only 5 years old so she won't be able to do groups probably but at some competitions she might be able to do solos or possibly a duet or trio.

Anyway right now my mom is finishing putting my hair in a bun with two braids on the side

"Ok Alessia go get your dance bag and Hannah, I'm done" My mom tells me

I run to my room to pack up my dance bag and check on Hannah.

"Hey Hans how's it going" I ask her

"Good" She responds

"Ok we're leaving soon so let's go" I tell her and she follows me out of her room

The three of us head out to my moms car and drive to the studio

After 15 minutes we arrive. My mom takes Hannah out of her car seat and I unbuckle my seat belt. The three of us walk into the studio.

"Hi Miss Abby" "Hi Abs" My mom and me greet

"Hello ladies go into the den to stretch and change and I'll call you guys in soon." Miss Abby tells us

"Hellooooo" I sing when I walk in. All the girls and moms are already there

All the girls tackle me in a hug

We talk for a while and stretch before Miss Abby calls us in

"Come on girls!" She yells and that our que to go in

Buts it's different. Instead of the chalkboard theirs covered pictures on the mirror and we're supposed to stand and not sit

"Moms girls come in here" Miss Abby yells and we all line up. I have Maddie on my right and Hannah's holding my hand on my left

"Hello ladies. How's it going?" Miss Abby's asks

"Good" we reply

"Where's Holly? Nia where's yours mother?" Miss Abby asks her

"She's at work" Nia reply's

"Not gonna happen. She needs to leave the job, forget it and be here." Miss Abby says. I end up zoning out a little until Maddie bumps my arm

"Now first of all your national champions. It was a great competition at Star Bound in Lake Tahoe. That's something to be very proud of. Then we got to La and did a video. People know who you are now from watching that video. But you're a target. When you walk in it's going to be all about beating the Abby Lee Dance Company. We all know that Cathy's not here. Because Cathy wasn't a team player where did that get Vivi Anne? No where. Im gonna have an open audition. A casting call for a new dancer for the Abby Lee Dance Company. Tell everybody you know that we're looking for a new girl for this group. Maybe two new girls. Everyone's replaceable. Are you next?" Miss Abby says. Then she turns to Hannah

"Now Hannah you are on this team. However since you are so young you won't be able to compete at a lot of competitions. That means I still need to bring in a new girl. So Hannah" Miss Abby says ripping the paper off of her headshot "You are at the bottom of the pyramid. Your sister right next to you just won another national title. There's some big shoes to follow in. Can you do it? We'll see" Miss Abby says

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