Lost Trust

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As time passed, my dizziness worsened, and the days seemed to drag on endlessly. Thoughts of him consumed my mind, and I found myself retracing our old paths after school, stopping at Sara's house but never ringing the doorbell. It was a futile attempt to make time pass more quickly. Returning home, I would sleep, seeking solace in the oblivion of unconsciousness to numb the pain. My relationship with Sara had become strained since Ecuador, as I pushed her away, but when I found myself at her house with my family, our bond reignited, and we fell back into our familiar rhythm of gossiping and laughter.

His presence lingered in our conversation, though I tried to avoid discussing him, fearing I would succumb to tears. Sara mentioned that he had posted a picture with a girl on his story. Despite the ache it caused, I tried to convince myself that his happiness mattered more than my own feelings. However, Valentine's Day brought an unexpected revelation. Maria, my cousin, sent me a message with a screenshot from his story, showing him with the same girl. Though my heart twinged with pain, Maria's infectious laughter helped lift my spirits momentarily. She had always been my rock, my mini-me, and her presence brought comfort even in the midst of heartache.

Later, I confided in a friend about how I felt, and she reacted with shock upon seeing the photo. She revealed that the girl in the picture had approached her during my relationship with him, asking if she knew me. Which my friend confirmed. Then the girl proceeded to ask her not to tell me. But at the end of the day she was my friend.

Thats when it hit me. During our relationship, I had confronted him about this girl, showing her Instagram. He assured me that he didn't know her and questioned why I was asking. Believing him wholeheartedly, I explained my concerns, but he simply reiterated his ignorance of her. It turned out that he did know her, as she was the same girl he had posted on Valentine's Day. This revelation shattered the trust I had placed in him and left me questioning the authenticity of our relationship.

The weight of his deception felt like a heavy burden on my shoulders, crushing me beneath its overwhelming presence. It was as if every ounce of trust I had painstakingly built up over time had been callously shattered with his lies. What cut the deepest was the knowledge that he was fully aware of my struggles with trust, yet he chose to betray me anyway. It felt like a betrayal not just of our relationship, but of the vulnerability I had entrusted to him, believing that he would cherish and protect it. The pain of realizing that the person who had taught me
to trust, destroyed it all. But that was not all.

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