Chapter Nineteen: Catch Up and Patrol

Start from the beginning

"What did your parents have to say about this? Where did you tell you were?" 

"I was having a two-day sleepover at your house." I smile at her guilty. 

"Okay... anything else? Like why your hand is covered in marker?" She points to my tattooed hand.

"That would be the big secret Dami was trying to help me conceal." I turn my back to her and pull my shirt up, "After I came out of the Mirror Realm, my back, arms, and neck were covered in tattoos." 

"You told Damian about this before you told me?" 

"No. Damian was with me during the whole ordeal."

"And I wasn't? Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I could have helped you!"

"No, you couldn't have. Damian knows the right people, those people watched over me as I teleported across the globe. It isn't my place to tell you, his story. I want to, I really do."

"Oh, he's Robin." She shrugs.

Tikki flies over and sits on my shoulder, "You owe me five bucks, told you she would figure it out."


Now, it was time for patrol. I texted Adrian ahead of time, so he wouldn't go at our usual 5:00.  I swing to the meeting location with Alya holding on and screaming with joy every time we almost fall to the ground. I loved my best friend, but she may have a slight adrenaline issue. 

We land on the rooftop, I set Alya down and she immediately runs at the vigilantes, who of course were already there. She stops right in front of them and looks at them very closely. She starts pointing at them individually, until her gaze reaches Superboy who was not only late, but fortunately still in town. I haven't had time to really get to know him, but he seems really nice. Bad thing was, that he was a super. If Hoaxer got her hands on him, we would all be in terrible danger.

Alya gasps at the sight of his familiar face, "Y-you! Oh My Gosh! Jon Kent is Superboy!" 

I double over in laughter; she was spot on. She would have definitely found out me and Chat Noirs identities if the magic didn't block it so well. Robin walks over beside me, he doesn't say anything. Just stands there. 

"How did you know? And who are you?" Superboy looks horrified.

Alya holds out her hand, "Alya Cesaire reporter for the Ladyblog, and a huge fan of your parents." He hesitantly shakes her hand, "So if you're Jon Kent, Damian is Robin." Dami doesn't even glance at her, he's not even slightly surprised that she knows who he is, "The rest of you must be the people Ladybug kidnapped for having bad fashion sense." I burst out laughing again. 

"I did not kidnap anyone. I just fixed an issue."

"You brought strangers to your home, just because you didn't like what they wore." Robin raises a brow at me. 

"You shush." I smack a hand over his mouth, "I have a lot of commissions to do. So, Bat's and Nightwing, I want you to cover the south. I want the Red's to cover the west. Superboy and Chat Noir, you get east." Chat Noir opened his mouth in protest, "I don't want to hear it Kitty. We need to learn from them, we can't learn if we only stick with each other. Robin and I will take the north. We will meet up back here." We split up, I grab Alya and quickly take her home before continuing on with patrol.

Robin and I race across the rooftops, finding ourselves in a fun race to the end of town. Soon enough we come to a huge gap between roofs, I easily do a flip across, my yo-yo swirling around me in an intriguing way. I land gracefully on the other roof. Oh, thank goodness I made that. 

Robin still stood on the other roof, he didn't look scared, he was simply calculating his next move, "Come on, Dami, show me what you've got!" I smirk at him. 

"I don't need to prove anything to you, Angel, I am Robin after all." He says seriously. He could be such a buzz kill sometimes.

"Sure, Mr. Wayne, whatever you say." With my last sentence said, he jumps across the roofs doing two backflips midair before making a perfect landing next to me. 

"Mr. Wayne?" He asks.

"It's your last name, is it not?" 

"What happened to Dami?" Is he sad I didn't call him by his nickname?

"'Dami' didn't get you over here. 'Mr. Wayne.' did." With that I take off again. We continue our race until we have covered all of the north side. After that we head back. 

Of course, on the way back we have a challenge about how many flips we can do in one go. By the time we reach the meet up area we are both laughing messes. It's a rare sight to see Robin, well Dami, smile, let alone laugh. He looks stunning when he does, which is why I try to make him laugh and smile as much as possible. 

"Having fun, Demon Spawn?" Red Hood plops down on the roof next to us. 

"I was until two miscreants interrupted." He stops smiling, his face going back to that of a very angry dad.

"What made you guys have the giggles?" Red Hood leans against me, resting his arm on my head. I really don't like when he does this. I'm about to shove him off, but Robin beats me to it. 

He shoves him right off the roof, "Damian! Wha-why-?" 

"He's fine. He died once, yet he's still here."

 "Maybe the second time will fully kill him." Red Robin says, slouching over himself. He must be exhausted. 

"Jason! Are you okay?" I call down to where he was pushed.

"Yeah, I landed in a bush." I release a sigh of relief. 

Then I turn my attention to Red Robin. He doesn't seem like the type that enjoys sleep. Like he avoids it at all costs unless it's absolutely necessary. I will instantly regret what I'm about to do, but hopefully Tim will thank me later. 

"Hey, Tim." He looks up at me. I punch him in the face.

"Good job, Angel. Excellent form. Though I did not expect us to both be violent tonight."

"No, I punched him to put him to sleep, you pushed Jason off the roof for no reason!" Very different.

"I pushed him off the roof because he was disturbing you." He crosses his arms. 

"Hey! When you lovebirds up there are done can we debrief and get out of here?" 



I found the second part of Bruce trying to adopt Marinette! 

I found the second part of Bruce trying to adopt Marinette! 

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