Chapter 8 Slayers Office.

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" Are you coming or not?" Markela asked with a smile that wasn't really a smile.
" Bitch, if you don't want to go, let's me go instead, do you know how many of us want to enter The Slayers Office, this is a once in-a-lifetime opportunity." A girl shouted from the crowd.

Really, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, well it's best not to waste it, "I'm coming." Bella said then followed Markela behind.
They stop in front of a door that said ' The Slayers Office '. Markela opened the door and walked in but before Bella could enter, the door was suddenly closed. She was confused for a moment then she knocked on the door.

Markela opened the door and asked, "What do you want?"
" You just told me to come in but you locked the door." Bella said as she caught a glimpse of Ryan inside the room.

" And what made you think that I'll let you enter, this room is for slayers only and it's not for non slayers and peasants like you, get lost. You think I'll let a rag wearer like you into The Slayers Office, keep dreaming, even those girls who wore clothes better than yours are not even qualified to stand in front of the door so what are you waiting for standing there, get lost." Markela said and with that, she slammed the door on Bella's face.

All the girls that were watching what happened all started laughing at Bella.
Bella angrily shouted, "You all are laughing but at least I was invited to come in and I was able to see inside the room, which one have you done?" Bella asked which made all of them to keep quiet.

She looked around and saw that she had been tricked by Markela, she didn't know where to follow to get back to her class, she was lost. But since some people were still walking around, she decided to follow them and see if she could retrace her step back but the more she followed them, the more she got lost, she was now in a different place. She stopped to look at the places she just passed but suddenly felt someone standing behind her. She quickly turned and saw that it was a boy.

" Hey pretty, my name is Alex, what's your name?" The boy named Alex asked with one of his hand resting on the wall, he stood too close to Bella which made her feel uncomfortable.

" My name is Bella." Bella answered as she took a step back away from him.
" You look very hot you know." Alex commented.
Bella looked at him confused, nobody had ever commented on the way she looked and him commenting, made her smile.

" So, are you looking for someone?" Alex asked with a guessing look on his face.
" Yes, I'm looking for Kath Parker." Bella answered.
" Oh you mean school weirdo, I know where she is, i just left where she was." Alex replied.
" Where is she?" Bella asked because she could only rely on him to find Kath.

" Come with me, I'll show you, you are new here so you might get lost if you go alone." He said as he pointed at the direction they were going.
" Ok, thanks, I was already lost before." Bella said as she followed him behind. Unknown to her that he was taking her somewhere else.

They both walked down the stairs with him two steps ahead until they got to the end of the stairs where there was a door.

Bella couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure this is where she is?" She had a feeling that something wasn't right, didn't that girl say a teacher was calling her to his office, what were they now doing in the school's back stairs.

" Of course it is, I know every corner of this school but if you don't trust me, you can go back and find your way by yourself." Alex replied because he knew that she wouldn't be able to find her way back.

" Ok, let's go, how about you lead the way, I'm behind you." Bella said still thinking if she should follow him or not. But why were they following the back stairs. But since she wasn't used to the school she had to follow him, maybe there was another building behind.

" Ok beauty, let's go." Alex said with an evil smile on his lips as he opened the door and walked in.

Taking one step at a time, Bella suddenly heard someone say, "Hello, excuse me girl, are you lost or are you just strolling around, I suggest that you don't go into that room." A girl who stood on the first step shouted.

" I'm looking for my friend, Kath Parker, a boy told me that she's inside this room that's why I'm here." Bella said as she walked up the stairs to meet the girl.
" Wait, a boy told you to go in there, he lied to you, girls are always been tricked by boys to go into that room, it's not safe to go in there." The girl said as she looked around.

" Why?" Bella asked confused.
" Once you enter that room, you are not going to leave untouched, there are boys waiting in that room and once you enter, they will all get a taste of you. Many girls have been tricked into that room, I even fell victim one time but I was saved by a boy I helped during the exams, so they let me go untouched." The girl said as tears appeared on her eyes.

" Oh, I'm so sorry, why didn't you report to a teacher or to the school and why hasn't the school done anything about it because this is endangering us." Bella said a little confused for the fact that the school even knew about it and didn't do anything.

" This is highschool girl, where even teachers are afraid of some students and for the fact that Markela Gold can get any teacher fired, no one dares to talk. She's among their association, whenever she wants to get revenge on a girl, she will send boys to catch the girl and bring her here then she will decide how the girl should be dealt with by the boys. They will tear off your clothes and take pictures of you and when you threaten them to report to the authorities, they will just laugh and then threaten you that they will post those photos they took of you all over the school's media, so it's better if you don't go in there."

Bella was shocked at what she heard, no wonder everybody was afraid of Markela. She needs to be careful around this girl. Bella looked at the girl in front of her then introduced herself. " Thanks for letting me know, my name is Bella Rose, I'm new here so I don't know all these things."

" It's okay, I'm glad I passed at the right time, I'm Celina Kanika, I think we are in the same class, I saw you earlier." Celina said as she offered a handshake.
" Ok, thanks again, I'll see you around then." Bella said looking around for where to go next.

" And also, if you are looking for Kath, you should probably check close to the library, she's always around there." Celina said.
" Sorry to bother you but if you don't mind can you please show me the way to the library?" Asked Bella.

" Sure, let's go." Celina replied as she led the way.
They both walk down the stairs, turned left and right, walked straight, climb up another stairs and turned right before she saw the library.

" You can check around for her, I'm going now." After showing her the library, she went back to class.
Bella walked around the library looking for Kath, she wasn't there, turning to her left she saw the girl from earlier who came to call Kath. "Hello, please excuse me, where's Kath?" Bella asked in a low voice not wanting to disturb others who were reading.

" I don't know, after she went to meet Mr Sian she left." The girl replied.
" Ok thanks." Walks out of the library looking around for some minutes then she hears someone calling her name, turning around, it was Kath.

" Bella where have you been?" Kath asked.
" I have been looking for you, you left me in the second floor hallway, I couldn't wait anymore so I walked around." Bella replied.

" Ok, I'm sorry, I went to look for you just now but I didn't see you there, it's closing now, let's go and get our bags." Kath said as they both walk back to class.

Next week came really fast, Bella heard from her friends that Michael travelled out and might not come back again which made Bella sad, he didn't even tell her that he was traveling and she didn't have his phone number which made her even more sad.

She already had a crush on him and was planning on how to tell him about her feeling for him but before she could, he had already travelled. Maybe he didn't like her as she thought, if not he could have told her before he left.

Normally when you like someone and you are about to leave, you would inform that person earlier before you leave or maybe she was the one overthinking, after all, in highschool, no boy even looked at her, she wished she could go back to middle school when she was popular.

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