Chapter 3 A kiss from his lips.

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As Bella saw Kath enter the class, she quickly ran to meet her.
" Kath, what happened, who did this to you!?". Bella asked.

Kath cried even more than the way she cried before.
Just then, a boy pointed at Kath while laughing with all his friends.

" Everyone look, it's like the school weirdo just got a new makeover". The boy said.

" I like your hair weirdo, this is the type of hairstyle people like you should carry, it fits you perfectly". A girl said as she brought out her phone to record Kath but Bella blocked her view.

" Hey, who's this second- hand item that's blocking my view, get out of my way". The girl said as she walked towards them, pushed Bella to the floor then started recoding Kath with the rest of her friends.

Kath angrily walked to her seat, took her bag then walked out of the class.
" Kath wait, where are you going?". Bella ran after her.

" I'm going home". Kath replied with tears allover her face.
" Why?". Bella asked.
" Are you seriously asking me why, don't you see the way i look". Kath replied then walked away.

Bella knew that it was Markela that did this to Kath, she wanted to go and question Markela and ask her what was her reason for doing this but she didn't even know who Markela was.

Minutes later the closing bell rang.
Bella went back to class to carry her bag. As she was about to leave, she saw Michael so she went to meet him because she didn't know which bus to enter.

" Hi Michael". Bella said as she walked beside him.
Bella had already started having a crush on Michael since in the morning when he helped her. So if she could become his girlfriend, at least she won't be single and she won't be bullied anymore. Bella felt happy. Tomorrow, she will take the initiative to approach him first.

" Hi Bella, are you going home now?". Michael asked as he looked at her.
" Yes". Bella replied with her head down.
" Ok, let's go".
They both enter a bus, minutes later, the bus stops in front of her gate, so she waved Michael goodbye then went inside.

" Mum, Dad I'm home!". Bella shouted as she walked up the stairs leading to her room.
" Honey, how was your first day?". Mrs Rita asked as she came out of the kitchen with a bowl in her hand.

" It was fine mum". Bella replied as she played with the railing on the stairs.
" Ok, go freshen up, after that come down for lunch".
" Ok mum". Walks into her room.

Minutes later, she walked down the stairs. After lunch, she went back into her room.

Bella woke up late the next morning. She quickly freshened up, had breakfast, dressed up, took her bag, but she was a little hesitant to take the lunch box.

" Dad, remember you promised me tomorrow for lunch money, don't go back on your words, I'm off to school." Bella said as took her lunch box then ran out to catch the bus.

She quickly entered before the driver drove away.
" Sup Bella."
Bella suddenly heard someone say behind her. She turned her head and saw that it was Michael.
" Sup Michael." Bella replied with a playful laugh.

Minutes later they arrive at school. Bella walked down from the bus, waiting for Micheal who also came down after some students.

They both walk into the hallway, just then, a group of girls stopped in front of them.

" OMG, girls it's Micheal." The leader named Val said.
" Hi Michael, can i get a picture of us together?" Val asked as she took out her phone.
" Yeah, sure." He replied.

But what Val did next didn't seem like she just wanted a normal picture, it was more like she wanted to seduce Michael with just one picture taken.

" Do you mind not showing in my pictures." Val said then pushed Bella away when Michael wasn't looking.

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