"Thanks. You too N. Though, the way you were glaring at me and the basket after that last point I thought you were going to have my head." I laugh as she hits me, the two of us entering the locker room and going to our respective cubbies. I let out a noise as I sit down in relief, calves sore from the days practice, beginning to unlace and take off my shoes.

"You know how we get when we play. Heat of the moment, lost in the game. Nothing personal, twin."

"Oh don't I know it." I add, and nod in agreement making Nika laugh as well. See? She just got me with that. "You doing anything later today?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

Pulling out my phone and checking the time to see it was 3 o'clock, I hum to myself before putting my shoes in the storage area beneath my cubby, sitting back down to pull my shirt over my head, wanting to change into non-sweaty clothes.

"Maia and I have sort of been planning a surprise for Alyssa's first game tomorrow.. and that surprise is sort of on their way here now. Want to join us and picking her up?"

Nika had raised an eyebrow at me when I started the sentence with Maia and I, and smirked when she saw the blush that I knew had risen to my cheeks.

"You two hang out a lot now outside of our group hang outs now?" It had been nearly a month now that we had met to two, and Maia and I were definitely getting closer, and doing... something, I don't know what it is yet but it's something.

"Maybe, maybe not. Do you want to help us with some of the final plans for you own girl, Muhl?" Nika blushed that time as I turned the tables on her, smirking and laughing as the otherwise aggressively girl turned timid.

"She's not my girl..."

"Yet," I say causing her to blush even brighter at my teases.

"You're an ass..." She mumbles before changing as I had did, standing up. "But yeah, I'm down."

"Let's head back to the room for a bit, Maia's going to meet us there after we shower than we can head out."

Nika nods, following me the gym.


Alyssa's P.O.V

"What the hell Cailtin..." I mutter to myself, having texted the girl, receiving no response. When I notice her location was off earlier, confusion grew within me, we never did that, even when we lived states apart, it gave us peace of mind knowing that the other was okay. I sigh to myself annoyed with the hawk basketball player, throwing my phone to my bed before going to the hallway, seeing the bathroom light on and door open.

"Ooooh, you're going out with lover girl." I say in a sing-song voice, watching as Maia fixes her hair in the bathroom mirror. I step behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders as I smile over her head and through the mirror. My best friend rolls her eyes at me but nonetheless smiles back.

"How many people's minds do you think we'd fuck with if we took a picture like this right now?" I say before she responded to my other comment, I can see the gears in her head turning before she shrugs and snaps a quick picture of us, laughing as she does so.

"Definitely going on the spam later." Maia giggles, putting her phone back down as I let go of her, going back to fixing her hair.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask, sitting on the counter next to the girl as I see her putting on make up.

"A movie and then getting some food after." She shoots back, without any pause as the answer had pretty much come as soon as I was done talking.

I blink, "Damn, you're going to give a girl whiplash with that answer." I chuckle as Maia laughs at that, "What's going on with you two anyway? This is like at least the third date I know you guys have gone on alone. The first one was when Paige asked if you could help her with some homework, which ended with you guys going out to canes AND her paying might I add. And then she asked you out when the fair was in town."

Maia pauses with the mascara she was putting on, glancing at me through the mirror before she continued with her actions. "I actually... I don't really know."

"We flirt a lot more, and I can tell that we both like each other," She starts as she finishes her make up, putting the brush up before looking over at me, a soft laugh escaping me as she does so.

"Yeah everyone in a 5 mile radius could tell you like each other." I interrupt, causing for her to flip me off before she continues.

"I don't know Lyz, trust me, I've thought about texting her if we could talk and asking her out for like the past week but I also don't want to rush things if she's not ready you know?"

I nod, looking up at the ceiling in thought before looking back down at the short brunette in front of me. "True... but maybe she's also trying to go at your pace and isn't saying anything because you haven't you know? Maybe she's lacking confidence."

"You and I both know Paige doesn't lack confidence."

I snort at that, "Yeah, butttt, I also see how she looks at you when your busy taking photos and videos, and how she follows you like a golden retriever when we all hang out together. That girl really likes you Maia."

Maia's face flushes at that and she starts messing with a strand of her hair. I grin at that, my best friend was falling in love, it was cute to see, especially when I saw how gentle Paige was with her, knowing Maia had her fair share of bad exes, Caitlin and I always having to help pick up the pieces when things went bad in her relationships. I'd never not be there for her though, she was my family. The last time she had seriously dated was when she was 18 and the girl she was went was an absolute toxic piece of shit. Maia caught her making out with one of the cheerleaders from our high school on their one year anniversary, fucked up right?

Needless to say I was at her house before she could even finish telling the story of what happened, having biked the 20 minutes to her house back in California. As for Caitlin, it was the summer before she headed to Iowa for her freshman year, and the next day she was on Maia's doorstep, having convinced her family to let her use some of her savings to fly out and help me comfort the sister figure we both looked up to. After that, Maia avoiding a lot of romantic relationships, even when she felt an attraction or pull to someone she never acted on it. Until she met Paige during college, I didn't know the full story of what had first happened, but I know she had her eyes on the girl ever since then. Finally being able to see her fully back to her old self around Paige though made me more than happy.

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