Chapter - 9

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The day after the lunchtime incident, tensions between Kabir and Tara were at an all-time high. They found themselves paired up for a practical in class, a situation neither of them was thrilled about. As they stood side by side in the lab, the atmosphere was icy, filled with unspoken resentment and unresolved conflicts.

Tara focused on her experiment, trying to block out Kabir's presence beside her. However, Kabir couldn't resist the opportunity to needle her further.

"Need any help, Tara? Or are you still too busy blaming me for your hunger?" Kabir quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Tara clenched her jaw, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. "I don't need your help, Kabir. I can manage just fine on my own," she replied curtly, her voice tinged with irritation.

Kabir raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Suit yourself. Just don't mess up and blame it on me later," he retorted, his words designed to provoke her.

"I will not," Tara shot back defiantly, her eyes narrowing in determination.

"Just do one thing, keep quiet, and don't disturb me. This practical is very important for my internals, so please, I have to pass," Tara pleaded, her tone softening slightly.

"We are paired to complete the practical together, so I think we should work like a team. This practical is also important to me, so I want to pass as well," Kabir countered, trying to reason with her.

"I can't work with you as I don't trust you. And please, chill. I will tell the teacher that we have done this together, so don't worry," Tara insisted, her resolve unwavering.

"Okay, do as you want, but don't blame me if you can't complete it alone," Kabir warned, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

"I will not," Tara affirmed, her gaze steady as she turned her attention back to her experiment, determined to prove herself capable without Kabir's help.

Their classmates exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the tension between Kabir and Tara. The practical continued in strained silence, with occasional barbs exchanged between the two.

As they worked side by side in the lab, tensions were high, and their silent battle continued to simmer. Tara was engrossed in her experiment when a mishap occurred, causing her to yelp in pain as her fingers were burnt by the heat.

Kabir, unable to ignore her distress, immediately turned towards Tara with concern in his eyes. "Tara, what happened?" he asked, reaching out to gently take her injured finger and inspect it.

Tara's initial reaction was to pull away, her defenses still up from their ongoing conflict. "This is not your concern, Kabir," she retorted sharply, trying to maintain her composure despite the pain.

But Kabir, driven by a mix of concern and an underlying attraction he couldn't ignore, persisted. Ignoring her protests, he gently brought her finger to his lips, his warm breath grazing her skin as he inspected the burn.

"Are you alright?" he murmured softly, his eyes locking with hers in a moment that held both tension and a hint of something more.

Tara's breath caught in her throat as she felt Kabir's lips against her skin, a rush of conflicting emotions washing over her. His touch was unexpected, and despite her anger towards him, there was an undeniable spark between them.

"This is not the time for your games, Kabir," Tara managed to say, her voice slightly shaky as she tried to push aside the fluttering sensation in her chest.

Kabir withdrew his hand, but the intensity in his gaze remained. "I'm not playing games, Tara. I genuinely care about your well-being," he replied earnestly, his tone devoid of the usual teasing.

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