Chapter - 5

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Kabir returned to the classroom and stood in front of everyone, addressing the students. "Listen, everyone, if anyone knows where Tara's notebook is, please give it back."

Silence filled the room as Kabir's gaze scanned the faces of his classmates. "Anyone knows?" he asked again, but no one raised their hand.

"Okay, I'm asking you all again. If anyone knows, please return it. Otherwise, I'll have to check all of your bags," Kabir stated firmly.

One student spoke up, "You can't invade someone's privacy like that. You can't just check our bags without permission."

Another student chimed in, "Yeah, it's not fair to accuse us all. You need to have proof before accusing anyone."

A third student added, "Maybe Tara misplaced it herself. Why are you automatically assuming someone in the class took it?"

Kabir, feeling the pressure of the accusations, replied, "I understand your concerns, but Tara needs her notebook for an important exam. If anyone has seen it or knows where it is, please speak up."

Kabir added, "Tara remembers keeping it on her table, so it must be one of our classmates who took it."

A student retorted, "Even if she misplaced it, it's not our problem. It's her mistake, and you can't just check everyone's bags like that."

Kabir, determined to resolve the situation, announced, "If nobody comes forward with Tara's notebook, I'll have to inform the teacher."

The classroom fell into a tense silence as students exchanged worried glances.

A concerned student spoke up, "But what if you don't find the notebook in anyone's bag? Will you still accuse us?"

Kabir replied firmly, "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, I'm focused on finding the notebook."

Another student chimed in, "We should all cooperate and help search for the notebook. That way, we can prove our innocence and find the missing item."

Yash's voice echoed in the classroom, "We've checked everyone's bags, but we haven't found the notebook."

Another student spoke up, "Kabir's bag is the only one left. It wouldn't be fair if you didn't check it."

"Okay, you can check my bag," Kabir consented reluctantly.

Yash proceeded to search Kabir's bag thoroughly. As he emptied the contents onto the desk, he declared, "See, there's nothing in my bag."

Tara interrupted, "Wait, Yash," and picked up a familiar notebook from the pile. "It's my notebook."

Kabir looked shocked. "You must be mistaken," he protested.

"No, it's my notebook," Tara insisted. "But what is it doing in my bag?" he directed his question at Tara

Tara, visibly perplexed, stammered, "That's what I should be asking. What is it doing in your bag? You said you hadn't taken it."

"I seriously don't know how it ended up in my bag," Kabir added, his voice filled with confusion.

Tara, her frustration reaching a boiling point, snapped, "Stop lying, Kabir! This must be another one of your plans. How could I be such a fool to trust you?"

Kabir, defensive and still confused, countered, "No, Tara, I swear I don't know how it ended up in my bag. This doesn't make any sense."

Yash, who had been observing the situation, intervened, "Guys, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe there's a misunderstanding."

But before anyone could say more, Tara, overwhelmed by anger and suspicion, raised her hand and slapped Kabir across the face, the sound echoing in the silent classroom.

The room fell into stunned silence as everyone stared wide-eyed at Tara and Kabir. Tara's hand trembled as she realized what she had done, while Kabir touched his cheek in disbelief.

Kabir, his anger simmering beneath the surface, clenched his fists tightly. "Are you serious, Tara? How can you slap me for something I didn't do?"

Tara, her voice trembling with rage, shot back, "Is it just about this one thing, Kabir? Or is it about everything you've done - the pranks, the lies, the embarrassment? You've pushed me to my limit."

The classroom watched in tense silence as the confrontation between Tara and Kabir escalated. The air was thick with animosity and unresolved tension.

Kabir, his frustration boiling over, retorted, "You're always quick to blame me for everything, Tara. Maybe it's time you take responsibility for your own mistakes too."

Tara, her eyes flashing with fury, turned on her heel and stormed out of the classroom, leaving Kabir seething with anger and resentment.

Kabir, his anger consuming him, muttered under his breath, "I swear I will make her regret this. She thinks she's so perfect, but she's just a hypocrite."

Yash and Rohan, concerned for Kabir, approached him cautiously. "Are you okay, Kabir? How could she slap you like that?"

Kabir, trying to downplay the situation, replied with a forced smile, "I'm fine, guys. But she will be not."

Rohan's concern deepened as he urged Kabir, "What are you going to do, Kabir?"

Kabir's expression hardened as he replied, "I'll make her regret her actions."

Rohan, alarmed, interjected, "Kabir, no, don't. Revenge won't solve anything."

But Kabir's resolve was firm. "She needs to learn her lesson. I won't let her get away with this."

(The slap in front of the entire classroom fueled Kabir's growing anger. It was the first time he had been falsely accused and slapped, intensifying the animosity between him and Tara. Their mutual hatred was escalating day by day, leaving little room for reconciliation or friendship in the near future.)

Stay tuned to find out what unfolds in the near future.

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