Alternate Endings Chapter 3

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The last in the Alternate Endings Subplot; enjoy!

---With Uzi---

Uzi is flying into the area with Not-N with shattered glass flying through the air. For Uzi, it feels like time is going slower, like you need to get out of something. Well that 'something' just so happened to be Not-N's tail going for Uzi's face, with dark blue liquid inside of it instead of the normal yellow.

Uzi knows she can't survive the fall or Not-N's tail right into her face. So, as a last ditch effort...


That was the sound of Uzi's tail cutting Not-N's tail.

Her wings unfold, no holes in them ether, glowing bright with purple that it even has. The shattered glass reflects this light, making Uzi brighter. Uzi grabs the end of the tail, and time returns to normal. Uzi lands without a problem, but Not-N, still a little bit confused about what just happened, almost trips and falls.

"ENOUGH! GIVE ME BACK N YOU BITCH!" Uzi screams, with a hint of Cyn's voice in hers.

Not-N looks surprised, scared even, "I haven't seen an experiment do this in a long time, last time was," Not-N's eyes flash with blue, yellow, and purple, "When Nori was killed, but not by humans. You are not Nori, but you are, your powers, this form," Not-N grins evilly,

"Want to know who killed Nori? Oh N, don't you have something to say?" He says, and his eyes turn yellow,

"Um, Uzi, he's right, I do have something to tell you, I, kind of, maybe, killed, your well, mom."

Uzi stops, thinking about what she just heard. Everything clicked, why N always looked guilty when she was talking about her mom, or what Doll meant that she was not the only one to lose family to them, them being the DDs.

"I HATE BOTH OF YOU!" Uzi screams, and lunges for N.

N's eyes go back to blue, turning back to Not-N, but Not-N is shocked. Uzi does not longer care about N, she only has one goal, kill them both.

Uzi screams again, and takes out her gun. Her tail tries to go from N, but misses. She fires her gun, but as you should know by now, it doesn't do much.

Ivan and Tessa catch up, but are on the third floor next to the broken window N broke, and because they don't have wings, they need to get down to the first floor of it. They only look at N and Uzi for a split second before trying to find a way down, so they don't see Uzi trying to kill N without mercy.

Ivan and Tessa get down to a door, but it is locked, and it does not respond to Tessa's card, so she has to open the panel and fix it.

Ivan looks through the glass to see what is happening, and sees Uzi in a fit of rage trying to kill N. "UZI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He asks, but Uzi does not hear him.

N changes his not-cystel-arm sword and goes for a swipe. Uzi, seeing this coming, uses her AS to break off the sword, and cut open N's chest, revealing his CPU.

"UZI! WAIT! THAT IS N-" Uzi screams and uses her AS to knock Ivan to the wall.

N, now scared for his survival, Not-N and N both, open their wings, ready to fly away, but Uzi grabs their CPU, tears it out, and crushes it.

"N!" Ivan says, baneing on the glass.

N falls to the ground, eyes flashing with error messages from the loss of his CPU.

Uzi looks in her hand, crushed bits of N's CPU, oil staining it, and then N, who looks at her, with sadness in his eyes, dies.

"No, what have I done?! N!" Uzi screams, eyes flashing with purple and yellow.

"N! UZI YOU BASTARD! N!" Ivan screams.

Uzi, still shocked what she just did, starts crying, and in he sadness, she lift her arm, and a AS appears on the ceiling, flashing between purple and yellow, starts making the ceiling crush, making a path to the surface, before a large tunnel going straight up is formed, with a small black hole in the middle, now moving up to the surface. Uzi opens her wings, and flies up to the surface, back to the colony.

Tessa fixes the door, and rushes over to N, crying.

"N, no, this is all my fault." Tessa says, kneeling down to N's lifeless corpse.


Overhead, through the tunnel, VOTLs fly over, before coming back before going down into the tunnel.

It lands, and a commander comes out, who Tessa recognizes.

"Hey, I know you, you are a high ranking commander, right?" She asks.

"Yep, I am here to rescue Ivan, who I assume is this young man right here." He says.

"Yep, that's me." Ivan says, trying to hold back his tears.

The commander holds out his hand for a handshake, and Ivan shakes his hand.

"Come on, let's get you out of here, my men are starting to get fussy about this cold," The commander says.

"Yeah, but we need to stop by the colony, I left some stuff there," Ivan says.

"You were with the worker drones?!" The commander asks.

"Yeah, but I only did it to live, I didn't have any other choice," Ivan responds.

"Fine, but be fast." They all walk into the VOTL, and it takes off for the colony.

At the colony, Ivan goes to Khan's house to say goodbye to Uzi.

*knock*knock*knock* "Hello? Khan, are you in there?" Ivan asks as he knocks on his door.

The door opens, and Khan looks like he just got home from work.

"Hi, um, I am leaving and I would like to say goodbye to Uzi," Ivan says.

Khan nods, and lets him in.

Ivan walks into Uzi's room, but he doesn't see her. He thought Uzi would be in here, but after not seeing Uzi, he turns around to walk out of the door.

He turns around, and sees Uzi right in front of him, before she stabs him with her tail. The tail goes all the way through his body, even through a lung, so Ivan can't speak.

Uzi's wings, tail, and eyes were all yellow.

"Thanks for giving me the planet," A yellow AS appears in Ivan's face, before going into his mouth and through his body, before turning flat. "Idiot" *SNAP!* Uzi's snaps Ivan's neck.

A/N; Helo, KGissmart here. Thank you for reading this, or you skipped to the end because my writing is shit, and that's okay. I just wanted to say, if it was shit, say it, because I bet it is. And by that, I mean the writing style, not the story, because it was good, right? I have a bomb in your house so you better say yes. Good. Anyway, just wanted to say, if you thought it was shit, say it, so I know that my writing style is shit and to change it. Anyway, see ya.

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