Lost and Found: Chapter 4

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A/N: Right now, I'm basically spewing out chapters every other day due to boredom, so if I slow down the release, don't worry, it means I'm not bored that much anymore. Keyword: not much

No 'I' in 'team', but 'con' in 'economy' (can you guess the reference?)


-----Ivan's POV------

I can breathe! And I'm warm? Wasn't I like negative seventy degrees like a second earlier? Then it comes rushing back at me.

It seems I fell unconscious because of oxygen loss and the temperature. V, N and J are lifesavers, literally. Talking about them, where's N? 

"Do you know where N went?" I ask J.

She stops picking her teeth with her claws, and then replies, "He's out hunting for some more clothes for you, so you don't die."

"Why do you guys need me to live so badly?" I ask back.

"Oh. You don't know. We're afraid JC Jenson will terminate us if we let you die under our care," she replies, clearly not into this conversation. I look down at the can of chili con carne and feel my stomach complaining.

"Do you have a spoon or something?"

"Oh, here," V replies, handing a rusted spoon with a small coating of oil on it. I feel slightly hesitant to use it, but V looks at me with a stare that communicates use it or drink from the can.

I try to wipe off the oil, but it seems to have dried. Ah, well. Here goes nothing. I dip the spoon into the can, and then lift the spoon filled with steaming chili con carne to my mouth. I put it in my mouth, savoring the spicy flavor and the meaty chunks.

And then the bad part comes. It starts tasting extremely bitter and a little tangy. I almost gag from the flavor.

"Did the chili con carne go bad or something?" N says as he returns with an extra jacket and some thick pants that I could wear under the utility pants.

"No, but the oil coated spoon isn't very pleasant to taste. Plus, I think I might contract tetanus from the rust," I replied.

"Oil?" He perks up with interest at the word. 

His display screen (I assume was OLED) displays an ><. I am assuming that's what gets displayed when he's in hunting mode.

I quickly diffuse the situation by saying, "It's dry anyways." That seems to do the trick. He looks disappointed, clearly hoping to cool himself down.

"N, watch over Ivan," J tells N. "V and I are going hunting." N nods, looking relieved that V and J are gone, even for a little while.

"You don't really like them, don't you?" I ask him.

"Yeah, not really. They're kind of mean to me, but I can't really do anything about it," he replies.

I wipe off the spoon, hoping to clear off some oil, and it works a bit. I finish off the food, and tell N something.

"Hey. Can you tell V and J that we're going to explore this place?" I ask.

"Okay, sure," he tells me. He radios V and J, telling them that we are about to go explore, so they wouldn't get worried about us.

I grab a cinder block, and toss in the flames, extinguishing it. Before we start exploring, I find a flexible rubber tube that fits perfectly on my mask adapter.

It's kind of inconvenient to have the canister on the front, because it blocks my head from moving around properly.

"I'm going to attach this rubber hose to the canister so I can put it on my back," I told N.

Lost and Found: Murder Drones FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя