Lost and Found: Chapter 13

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N/A: *struggles to get out of scp 119* For those who have been with me the whole time, thanks! We're almost at 2k+ views, so massive shoutout to those who are reading. That's about it, lol.

Hey, before you go, can you at least help me get out of this goddamn timecrowave at least?

Everyone: No, f**k you


—--Narrator POV—--

(the scenes of Apollo 18 depicted in this book are not the same, i haven't watched the movie so I'm making it up based off the movie summary)

The astronaut screams. A black substance crawls up in his suit, and he grabs for the door, hoping to get inside to take off the suit. The LEM door doesn't budge, and when he looks inside through the window, the astronaut sees his colleague look at him in fear.Z

The astronaut doesn't know what to do. His vision is getting blurry, and a gooey yet solid thing is digging into his body. He starts to hyperventilate under the immense pain. The astronaut rips the LEM door off, and gets inside. All the air inside rushes out, and his colleague gets blown outside without a suit.

The man lets out a single scream, which is louder than Uzi realizes.

Uzi pauses the movie, and looks over at V and N.

"Uhh... guys?" Uzi prods V and N, now shut down with a loading animation shown on their faceplates.

Uzi sighs, and then takes out 3 magnetic hacking devices. Uzi wants to know what happened to them, and this really was the only way to do so. Hesitantly, she sticks on one V and N's heads, and then onto herself as she closes the movie. Hopefully, when V wakes up, she won't kill Uzi.

Uzi drags V and N to a corner, hiding them from view just in case her father barges into her room. Uzi opens up the administrator application on her laptop and then proceeds to connect the hacking devices successfully.

"Alright, let's see what happened to you guys..."

~~~BEFORE Ep 5~~~

V turned the corner in the Victorian era style mansion that belonged to the Elliots. Heck, she belonged to the Elliots as well. Kind of like modern-day slavery, now that she thought about it.


V crashed into N, sending them falling to the ground. The empty glass cups on his serving tray were sent flying into the air, shimmering in the moonlight provided oh-so generously by the window. Time stood still as the cups started to fall.

N jumped up with the tray, and then masterfully managed to get them all back on the plate, perfectly stacked. V smiles and apologizes.

"Sorry for running into you..." V trails off. N puts out his hand to help V get up, which she takes.

A small spark flies between their fingers, instantly making both of them blush.

Suddenly, N's normal demeanor changes instantly. His normal yellow eyes flash dark blue, startling V.

"N-n-n?" She stutters, shocked at the sudden transformation. She lets go of N's hand, and she gets up on her own.

"You're just a walking juice box filled with fresh oil- '' N says, with a malicious smile. Just as quick as N's mood change, the weird aura and potential hacker of N's systems disappeared, leaving his body.

"N? Are you ok? Because you just called me a walking juice box filled with fresh oil," V asks N, growing a bit scared of the innocent Drone.

"What are you talking about? I would never, say, that..." N trails off, confused about what V is talking about.

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