Lost and Found: Chapter 9

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A/N: I know that last chapter was kind of long, sorry for that. We'll be finishing off Ep 3 and then dip a bit into Ep 4. I hope I can add several more chapters before I call this book complete. For those who have been following the release of each chapter, what do you think about them? I need feedback to improve my writing. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long authors note.


I groaned. The bloody wound hadn't dried yet, and it was still flowing freely. At this rate, I'll die of blood loss. At least I can get a towel at Doll's house to try and dry up some of it.

"We really need to get rid of Doll," Uzi complained, "She's so annoying."

"Annoying is an understatement," I replied, wincing at the pain. I can't think straight anymore, I need to find a way to stop the bleeding, fast. I run up to Doll's front door, and Uzi is digging around her pockets to find the key.

I have no time. I locate the mail slot, and then reach into my pockets to find something that could blow up. Hmm... granola bar? No. Grenade? No- Wait. I have a grenade. With Uzi literally being five steps from the door, I pull the pin and toss it inside the house through the mail slot.

I alert them, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!", just as an explosion ripped the door off its hinges, nearly hitting Uzi. There was no fireball, like any grenade, but the blast was strong enough to blow off the door.

"Was - that - really - necessary?" N asked through coughs.

"Yeah, I need to find a towel really badly," I hastily say to them, as I run inside, squashing some robotic cockroaches? Who cares. I make a beeline for the bathroom, actually, more like searching the whole house without caring for major details like the bodies in the dining room- WHAT?

I don't have time to investigate, so I run inside the bathroom which I just found and opened the cabinet in hopes for a new towel. Voila. It's not new but it's clean-ish. I take off my vest then realize I need a new one.

I also take off my hoodie and anything over the cut, I mean, knife wound. The clothes are saturated with the sickening blood, but I can't do anything about it. Looking down, I realize that the knife could have been fatal if not for the fact that the vest redirected the knife towards my liver.

I've read somewhere that it could regenerate. I mean, I hope it could. There was an ever-growing river of blood streaming down my torso, draining through my pants. Time to remove the tablecloth N offered me.

I take off the O2 mask, knowing what risks this could impose on my health. This should be quick anyways. I rip off a decent size piece of towel and shove it into my mouth as a sound block.

I sit down on the ground and put my fingers around the tablecloth. Well, here goes nothing.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (autocorrect added all those Hs btw) The towel does nothing but muffle it a bit, making it all but more suspicious to N, V and Uzi.

I lay down on the ground and start taking in large breaths of toxic air, probably not a good idea. I hold the bloodied tablecloth in my hand, both of them are stained crimson. I spit out the piece of towel in my mouth, savoring the moments when my mouth isn't dry. I can feel the unimpeded blood flow now, finally.

"Hang on, that's not supposed to be good!" I realize out loud. I hear the group wondering what's happening here. The pain finally sinks in, and I finally direct attention away from my injury, and look up.

I see stars and sheep jumping over fences. "Heh, heh. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep-" I say, obviously delirious.

I shake my head, trying to clear the hallucinations caused by blood loss, insufficient amounts of oxygen in my body, and pain. "Ooh," I say, mesmerized by the swirling lights up ahead. "Fancy!" Obviously, the shaking doesn't work. Maybe I just need something to wake me up, I though, out of the last clear thoughts in my head, holding down the front line of hallucinations.

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