Deal with the clown and arlam village

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[As soon as rem and ram left rimuru suddenly appeared infront of roswaal sitting on his office chair.roswaal was surprised and it was easy to say that rimuru scared the shit out of him , but he liked the look on his face and then roswaal said.]

Roswaal: what are you doing in my office , how did you get here?

Rimuru: calm down man , take a chill pill.
I was just wondering around so i thought , that i should pay you a visit , i also wanted to talk about that offer of yours.

Roswaal:(still very nervous) oh , i see so have you decided to accept my offer.

Rimuru: Yeah about that , you see where i come from i hold a position of power in your terms , i would be what you people call a noble so the idea of me working here as a guard or a mercenary doesn't suit my taste that's why i will only accept your offer if you agree to my two requests.

Roswaal: oh i see and what would these requests be.

Rimuru : my first request is that you make me ms.emilia's knight and my second request is that you stop getting in my way Roswaal (rimuru spoke the second term in a very serious tone)

Roswaal : I get your first condition but what might you be talking about with the second one (Roswaal spoke now with a very nervous look)

Rimuru : hahaha ! (Laughs manically) Boy i like the look in your eyes haa! , you see roswaal you might think this facade of yours might work on me but I'm not that kind of person. In fact the only reason i didn't kill you for the bowel hunter incident was because of your teacher echidna , if not for her your neck would be lying on the floor.

[Upon hearing this roswaal was now annoyed and angry he didn't understand how rimuru knew that he was the one who hired the bowel hunter, but after he heard the name of his teacher he was even more surprised at how he knew about his reincarnations. he was getting ready for fighting rimuru if things got out of hand ,he spoke in a angry voice]

Roswaal: Kill me you say ,you seem quite sure that you'll be able to get away with that . (Roswaal said trying to scare rimuru)

Rimuru in a nonchalant way moved his fingers a bit suddenly roswaal felt a sharp pain on his neck it was from the sticky steel threads that were now wrapped around his neck . Roswaal gulped! now genuinely feeling threatened]

Rimuru : calm down clown! We both know how that will end . (As he said that he released roswaal's neck ) In fact I'm not here to kill you or threaten you i just want us to work on better terms instead of sabotaging each other , afterall we both have the same goals .

Roswaal: (still on edge) what do you mean by same goals.

Rimuru: yeah same goal , don't you want to revive her as well, your teacher echidna (rimuru said with an evil smirk on his face)

Roswaal : i get what you're saying but I can't trust you After all I don't even know how you're related to her and why you want to revive her (roswaal spoke the truth since he knew there was no point in lying with him)

Rimuru : I know you don't have a reason to trust me or what i say but i can prove that I'm acquainted with her .(Rimuru said as he took out a book with echidna's mark on it )

Roswaal : (roswaal was shocked after seeing the book of wisdom that he taught only beatrice and him possessed) How ! When, !she never mentioned someone like you to any of us while we were in sanctuary, are you also a spirit possessing a body .

Rimuru : Well not quite , you see after she died, she made a pact with me, the condition of the pact being she will help me get something that i wanted and in return i would have to revive her , that's why I want to revive her. And since you also want the same thing why don't we both join forces .

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