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[As emilia and rimuru stepped inside the old loot house they were greeted by a gruesome site of an big old man bleeding on the ground he had alot of cuts all over his body it was clear that whoever did this wanted him to die slowly and painfully , something only a sadistic person would do .,rimuru then looked at the girl beside the old man and recognises her , she was the thief they were looking for from what he can remember after reading the memories of the appa guy her name was felt , she was atleast concious and less injured than the old man .
Rimuru walks up to them and places his hand on the girl and activates his intrinsic ability of
{soul and body manipulation} and heals her completely. This action shocks felt and emilia who was healing the old man besides him .
Rimuru was about to say something but ,
Suddenly he gets up and tells emilia and felt to not move from their places ,as soon as he said that a blade came swinging at emilia's neck but it was stopped by rimuru who stood between her and the unnamed assassin grabbing the sharp blade with his bare hands without enhancing his body with mana/aura which surprised everyone including the assassin .the assassin jumps back a few steps now looking at rimuru with a sadistic smile .]

Assassin: My my what an interesting individual, to grab my blade which should've chopped your hand off and ending up with nothing more than little cut .

[Just as she said that the cut in rimuru's hand instantly healed before even a drop of blood could fall from it . Rimuru to her surprise was almost unfazed by both her attack and her presence as if he didn't think she was important enough to notice or a threat enough to worry about. this made the assassin very angry and annoyed it was as if her existence and importance was being ignored or denied .
She was again feeling the cold and loneliness that she felt in her childhood where she was ignored and denied like this ,nobody recognised her as a person or a living being, no one cared when she was hungry, no one cared when she was feeling the cold of the northern lands, no one cared until she cut open the bowels of the man who tried to force himself on her . That's when everyone cared and she felt the warmth. the true warmth for the first time .So she wanted to feel this warmth once again after being reminded of those old and cold days ,she wanted to feel the warmth of this man who has denied her existence and watch as he agonizes in pain after having his bowels removed. She watched as the person casually stood there and asked the silver haired girl if she was ok ,the assassin looked for an opening and planned her next attack.]

Assassin: Oh my ! What a heartless person you are breaking a maidens heart by ignoring her like this ,and your cold look makes my broken heart quack from pain as if it's being pierced by thousands of needles .

[To her comments rimuru again had no expression he looked at her with an uninterested face and sighed as if bored and turned to emilia and told her to continue healing the old man and leave the assassin to him .this reaction again annoyed the assassin]

Assassin: huh ! You're ignoring me again , hmmm i see now i should kill the half elf girl first and then , see what kind of reaction you have then , yeah that sure would be fun to watch .

[As she was saying this a floating cat materialized besides emilia and fires ice spears at her ]

Puck: And what makes you think i will let you hurt my daughter like that little girl .

Assassin:huh ! Little girl , i haven't been called that for a long time now. still ,it's nice to meet a great spirit here perhaps i should open your bowels too and take a look at them .

{Rimuru pov}
Just as she said that she jumped to attack puck and then both the cat and the bitch . Started fighting each other , the cat sharp and agile maintained his distance and attacked with ranged ice attacks meanwhile the bitch confident and persistent tried to close the distance and slash with her blades .
Meanwhile i first observed their battle a little since i wanted to see how well this spirit can perform while maintaining his form in the physical world. cause spiritual beings cannot maintain their physical form in the material world for a long duration of time , since they rely on magic to maintain their temporary body made out of solidified mana . While he was watching it he also copied all the ice magic spells puck used and also the movements of the assassin
And she wasn't bad she was even impressive in terms of power and movement speed she also can use some weird type of regeneration magic which is likely activated via some kind of negative and dark energy like a curse of sorts .
After a few seconds rimuru walked up to felt and said-

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