Learned something

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I was at the laundry room, with Charlie who was also doing his job. I tossed the dirty clothes in that washing machine, Charlie looked at me weirdly, not in a creepy way though. "You know princesses can't do that, right?" He said, I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "And? I don't really care. My mess, I clean it." Charlie was surprised/impressed, "Princesses don't usually do that..." - "Hm, you're a responsible one." He added, I nodded confidently, I sat down and waited for my clothes to be washed so I can put it in the dryer, at the same time...


Martin sighed and he opened his laptop, continuing his work in the hospital, then he noticed Cassandra's finger moved slightly, and Martin was immediately alerted. Did her hand just moved? He asked himself, Martin immediately leaned closer to Cassandra and called her out.

"Cassandra! Cassandra! Are you awake?" But he received no answer, Martin blinked and then he sighed, "I hope you'll wake up soon." He was disappointed, and moved back to the table and continued doing whatever he is doing in his laptop, then he suddenly heard his phone notification rung, alerting him again. He looked at his phone which was also beside the laptop, it was a message from Ivy.

"Busy?" She asked in the messaged, Martin sighed in annoyance, and he ignored the message. Ivy had been trying to hit on Martin and that is not going to happen, his eyes are for Cassandra only.

Then Martin heard a knock on the door, he looked down at his watch. It's Cassandra's daily checkup. "Come in!" Martin allowed, the doctor came in, "Are you Ms. Auclair's guardian?" The doctor asked him, Martin nodded. "I'm her boyfriend, well you could say I'm her 'guardian' since I am here mostly everyday." The doctor nodded and cleared their throat, and approached Cassandra to check her heartbeat and blood pressure. Martin let the doctor do his thing.

After some minutes later, the doctor left, who finished checking up on Cassandra, Martin looked at Cassandra again and saw her hand moved this time, alerting Martin once again, he called out her name again and no response, Martin just shrugged it off and continued his work.


The clothes I tossed in are now clean! Now, I took them out and put them in the dryer and wait for another more minutes, and Charlie was now folding Noel's clothes, we were very silent. Then Charlie started a conversation, "Do you really like Noel?" He asked me, I looked at him, and started to think about it. I'm only pretending to like him to not get suspicious. I'm not the Cassandra they know, so I responded with: "Of course I do! Who doesn't like him?" Felt awkward... I tried to be confident, Charlie softly chuckled, "Me, I don't like him. He is such a jerk!" He then scoffed and he put the clothes back in the basket. I blinked and stared at him, we both went silent again. Charlie then sighed, "You like him because of his looks." He assumed, I shook my head. "Nope! He's a great person." Charlie then raised his eyebrow, he lifted up the basket with Noel's clothes. "Not so sure about that." He said and left the room, I looked at him as he left. I sighed and I shrugged it off.

After my clothes have dried, I did what Charlie did, folding them. I folded them, and put them in the basket and left. I was walking to my room... Oh no, it's Naomi. As she spotted me, she immediately walked towards me. Angrily, I stopped walking and let walk towards me, as she reached me, she immediately yelled: "Where have you been?! Tell me!" I sighed, and moved my head a bit. "Don't worry..." I convinced her. "Everything is all settled, no need to get angry with." I told her, Naomi crossed her arms and she looked like she doesn't trust me at all. "Really?" She asked, I nodded to answer her question, Naomi's feelings softened... She nodded and just walked away, well I went my own way too, then I'll go on a date with Noel.

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