Episode 2: UA Elite Hero School

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It's like there is an alarm in the brain, when dawn comes, Azizah will wake up by herself. Moreover, tonight she couldn't really sleep. Thinking a lot about how her hero's story will continue.

Azizah rubbed her face and yawned. Take a deep breath then get up. Azizah immediately went into the bathroom and started her morning activities.

The first day of living alone in Japan, far from his family and friends. Everything feels different, when many Japanese city residents are not Muslim and it is difficult to find certainty about whether the goods or food being sold is halal.

Fortunately, UA helped prepare halal staple food ingredients for her in her refrigerator because they know that Muslims should not eat carelessly. and the use of her quirk which can make food so she doesn't have to bother looking outside anymore.

This morning, Azizah got ready to prepare enough cake snacks and drinks for the guests who would come this afternoon. After preparing herself, not long after waiting, the doorbell rang. Moving towards the front door, Azizah opened the door.

"Konnichiwa, Azizah." Midnight greeted smiling. There were only the two people from yesterday and one creature standing in front of the door.

"Konnichiwa. Please come in." Azizah invited them to come in and sit on the sofa in the living room with a table where cake snacks and drinks had been prepared.

"You arranged this house quite well, huh? It's quite comfortable." Praise the rat animal? Or a bear? after sitting on the sofa together with the others.

"I'm glad that you all feel comfortable here." Azizah smiled sweetly in response. "So, are you the principal, Nezu?" Azizah asked as she poured him a cup of tea and placed it in front of the imitation animal in the suit.

"Un, that's right," Nezu lifted his cup of tea and inhaled the aroma slowly. "It smells really good. What kind of tea is this?"

"This is jasmine tea, sir." Azizah poured tea on the others too. "This tea is actually just ordinary tea with jasmine flowers added to create a unique aroma and taste. Come on, drink it, you will feel more relaxed afterward."

The three of them slowly sipped their respective teas and were amazed by how delicious the jasmine tea was. Azizah was very happy that her two teachers and the principal liked her tea. Nezu enjoyed smelling and sipping his tea alternately, Midnight enjoyed her tea while eating her cake, Aizawa even drank it until it was finished and fell asleep in the bag of yellow caterpillars he always carried.

They enjoyed their free time for a while, until Nezu spoke again. "Ekhem. Let's get back to our business. So, first of all I would like to say welcome and thank you for accepting our request to enter our school."

"No need, sir. I should be the one thanking you for being given a place to live and the great opportunity to study at your elite hero school. Becoming a hero is my dream, so why should I miss it?" Azizah smiled in response.

"No need to be so formal, just call me Nezu. I want to ask you a few things, is that okay?" Nezu asked, and got a nod from Azizah for him to continue.

"See, this is about your request that you sent before coming here. I'm not rejecting it but, I want to know why you want to modify your school uniform?"

"The first reason is because I want to maintain one of my obligations as a Muslim woman, namely that Muslim women must cover their private parts or cover their entire body except the face and palms. I know that your school uniform, sorry if it offends you but your school uniform is too skimpy and tight, so it will automatically show my body." Azizah scratched her cheek with her index finger. "And the second reason is to maintain good manners and protect yourself from the gaze of male lust. There's no need to explain anymore, men's minds are wilder than women's."

My Dream Is To Become A Muslim Heroine [Eng.Ver]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat