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You came back today,
My phone buzzed with whispers of the past,
As the number once etched in speed dial,
Lit up my screen, unsaved at last.

"Can we talk?" it asked,
I hesitated, coldness within,
Surprised by my own demeanor,
Towards one I once cherished and loved

"I went to college yesterday,"
You said,
I could taste the nostalgia in the air as 4 years worth of memories unfolded in front of me like a cinematic reel.

Reminiscing how you knew my classroom schedule,
My regular order at the cafe,
"No tomatoes for her," you'd joke,
With that silly boyish grin,
You held my secrets close,
The only one who knew my soul deep within.

Now you ask for forgiveness, but is it sincere?
Or just a desire to rid yourself of guilt's weight.
For a split second, I feel happy, a little glimmer of hope.
For once, those lying lips kissed mine
For once, that face made me blush and smile.
For once, those arms protected me and kept me safe.
How can I forget you, my love?

I waited for a genuine apology,
Months ago, but today I feel hollow,
Hesitant to believe in your remorse,
After all the pain you caused, should I forgive, or follow?

should I forgive you?
After all the heartache you put me through,
Do you genuinely regret your actions,
Or is it merely guilt that drives this reaction?
Can I truly forgive you for the pain you caused?

For the doubts you instilled?
For the trust you shattered?
I am left to ponder,
Should I forgive you, my love, or is some pain too deep to ever truly mend?

To heartbreak and choosing yourself when they try to come back 🥂

whispers of a wallflower Where stories live. Discover now