Chapter 3✍

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Troye ♕

Currently, I'm in the lobby of Saint Laurent waiting for my name to be called for the interview. But holy crap, I feel like this office has gotten bigger since the time she fired me. Then suddenly, a familiar face starts to approach me. Finn Harries.

"Troye?!? Is that really you? If you don't want to get your arse kicked, you might wanna hide. Helbig's coming down in a few minutes." Finn rushed out.

"Oh shit." Then, I heard the familiar clicking sound of her heels. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" I had no idea as to how to escape. Fortunately, Finn came to the rescue a split-second before and gets the idea of crashing into Helbig.

"OH. I'M SO SORRY MADAME!" He exclaimed a bit too loudly.

Then, Grace Helbig's sour face quickly turned into a disturbing sultry grin after seeing WHO bumped into her. "Oh, you don't have to apologize for anything, boy," she whispered seductively, "but maybe you can show me how sorry you are."

This left Finn as a stuttering mess. Just like me when she tried to pin me down with her twisted words. Okay, I've had enough. I'm not letting Finn go through what I had to.

So, I calmly walked up to them, and put my hand on Finn's shoulder. Then, I turned to Helbig to say, "Hello Ms. Helbig. Isn't it a beautiful day? Didn't expect to see you AT ALL today."

At this point, steam was practically coming out of her ears. I leaned into Finn's ear and whispered: Save yourself. I'll deal with this.

"W-WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? Didn't I fire your sorry ass months ago!?!" Helbig boomed.

Just as I was about to answer, Connor peered his head out the door and announced, "Troye please come to my office. NOW." Then, he slammed the door shut. Is Connor really that angry? And at me?!?

The last thing I heard as I was walking towards Connor was Helbig's sadistic chortle. "Good luck Sivan."

Connor ♛

I've literally only been here for 45 minutes and there's already yelling in the main lobby. So, I look over to the cameras and see Troye and Grace conversing rather loudly as Finnegan scurries away. "You've got to be kidding me." Without thinking, I power walk to the lobby door, and call Troye in. A look of fear and nervousness overtakes his usual jovial persona. I wonder what he would look like in other nerve racking situations?

Anyway, when I get to my main office, I abruptly turn around, having Troye bump into me since he was looking at the ground while walking. He blushes furiously and rambles out, "I-I'm s-so sorry Connor."

"It's Mr. Franta," I corrected rather harshly, "and I hope you know that if you want to work for this company, manners are a necessity!"

"Uhh, right sir. Sorry, it's just that I-"

I held up a hand to stop him from speaking. "Clearly, I don't feel the need to hear your explanation, so why are you telling me it, huh?" I let out a labored sigh. "Just go to the office 2 doors left of mine. You'll be interviewed there for the job."

Troye ♕

I trudged into the room Con- I mean Mr. Franta directed me to and sat down on one of the leather couches. Why was he being such a dickhead today? Yesterday, he seemed so sweet, but today, it's like he was a control freak. I didn't understand the reason for his mood swing either, since I wasn't even that loud in the lobby.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in came a woman with amazingly long dark hair and a light coffee colored complexion. She was beautiful to say the least.

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