Chapter 2✍

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Connor ♛

After that talk with Troye, I rushed to my office. When I finally got there, my two assistants, Zoe Sugg and Lilly Singh were already on my back.

"Oh my god! Mr. Franta you've never, ever been late before!" Zoe, or as most call her, Zoella because of her famous international makeup brand (named Zoella obviously), pipes up in her high-pitched British accent.

Lilly swung her arm around me, probably trying to gain balance because she was wear high heels. "Oh my god. Dude, it's gotta be important. You didn't even miss work when it was your Mom's birthday! Is everything okay?!?" Lilly asked more casually than Zoella because me and her had been high school friends.

I tried to speak normally, (like I hadn't just met the most amazing guy ever). "Guys, it's fine. There was just an accident on the road, so I had to take a detour." I said while putting my hands up surrendering to their questions. This was enough to fool Zoella, but when you've been friends with Lilly as long as I have, she acquires a sixth sense, accustomed to detect your lies. So as Zoella turned on her heel and left, Lilly raised her eyebrow and slowly cat walked towards me with her arms crossed, "Spit it out."

"W-what are you talking about?" I laughed nervously.

"Connor Joel Franta, if you don't tell me this instant, I will go on the loud speaker and announce the 'bus story'. And you know I will, so don't test me babe." Lilly held her stance.

I just stared at her, hoping to find any evidence of bluffing. Unfortunately, she knew my most embarrassing moment (a.k.a the bus story) and I knew she wasn't afraid to repeat the cringe-worthy tale again. So, I helplessly surrendered and began, "I met a guy."

At this moment, Lilly calmly got up and walked to lock the door of my office. The second she turned around her jaw dropped and she let out the longest 'whisper-scream.' Then, Lilly continued her craziness by jumping up and down and running to me with her jaw dropped and her eyes lightened up. "My baby's growing up!!!" She shrieked while pinching my cheeks.

I then grabbed her wrists and pinned them to her lap, accidentally having the Dominate in me show a little. But, I quickly regained my casual composure by saying, "Shhhh... I'll only tell you more if you sit down with me and talk to me like a normal person, and not some deranged fangirl." (Author Note: I'm basically describing me right here.)

At this moment, she calmed down and sat in the seat next to mine and just smiled admiring me.

I laughed at her childish behavior but began, "Okay, so basically I met this gorgeous guy named Troye. He's smart, funny, witty, and hot, and everything good you can think of. He's perfect and I want him. So. Bad."

At this, Lilly's eyebrows shot up, "Slow your role Casanova. You've met him literally 15 minutes ago."

"Yeah, but when we talked, I felt like I knew him forever. And it was like, ugh this sounds so cliché, but meant to be!"

Lilly looked down at her hands for a second before replying to my sudden burst of emotion. "Did you fall in love with him?" For some reason, her face was scrunched up in distaste or disbelief... Or both.

Okay, so this question threw me for a loop, so I considered my answer before speaking. "No. Not at this moment atleast. But...but I feel like it would be hella easy to."

With that, Lilly relaxed a bit, flashed me her amazing smile and simply kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'm so, so happy for you. Do you guys have a way of meeting up again?" Just a note, many people think that me and Lilly are in a relationship because of how we kiss (on the cheek) and hug out in the open, and plus, to everyone but my family and Lilly, I am straight. Well her, my family, and Troye.

"Umm... Well, he said he didn't have a job at this moment... So I gave him my card and said that I would have him covered. He would just have to give me a call. But get this, Troye used to work for this company (Saint Laurent) before, just under one of the executive directors before he got fired."

"Oh my god. How? They're all so sweet!"

"Troye didn't give me specifics, but he offended one of the directors somehow."


My phone buzzed on my cherrywood desk. An unknown number popped up and immediately my eyes lit up and I whispered excitedly to Lilly like a teenage girl, "THIS COULD BE TROYE!!!"

She just laughed, took my phone, answered the call and put it on speaker. Then, she motioned me to speak.

"Uhhh... Hello. This is Connor Franta, CEO of Saint Laurent speaking. How may I help you?" I said as my voice gained more confidence near the end of my statement.

"Oh, hey Connor. Does this phone call make me sound needy? I know it's only been like an hour and a half after I spilled coffee on you, but I was just wondering if that job position was still open." Troye replied over the phone.

At that moment, Lilly pushed me out of the way and snatched the phone putting it up to her ear, even though it was on speaker. "Hi Troye, yes, the job opportunity is still open, but only if you show up at our office at 8:00am tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, I'm Lilly Singh, Connor's assistant, best friend, and all in all, savior."

I glare at Lilly, but it softens when I hear Troye's cute little giggle from the other side of the phone.

"Hi Lilly, I'm Troye. Otherwise known as the idiot who dropped coffee on the CEO of Saint Laurent and the lucky bastard who got a job opportunity from it."

Lilly smiles at me, covers the phone with her hand and whispers, "I like him. A lot. Any chance he's bi?"

With this, I roll my eyes, snatch the phone and take it off speaker. "Hi Troye, it's Connor. I hope you weren't scared away by Lilly and are still on the phone. Anyway, come by tomorrow at 8:00am and another note, not everyone who works for me is crazy. Just my best friend."

"Oh," Troye giggled again. AGAIN. "Yeah. I'll make sure to come. I just hope I don't spill coffee on someone else and get another job offer." He joked.

"You'll never get over spilling coffee on me, will you?" I asked.

"Repetition is my way of dealing with embarrassment." Troye said nonchalantly.

Damn. This boy had looks, kindness, manners, smarts, AND humor. What did he NOT have!?! I'm willing to find out.

Lilly snapped her fingers in my face, successfully, well, snapping me out of my trance. "Oh, and by the way, when you were late to work today, I handled your paperwork concerning the 'clothing line collab' with Armani. Your welcome."

I gasped when I realized I completely forgot about that, "Thank you so much Lilly. You truly are Superwoman!"

She laughed, "I like that nickname."

"Well, then I guess it's settled. I'm gonna coin that phrase now."
TUMBLR: aestheticamera

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