But it was Ree's attitude that scared Rods the most

His son turned out to be someone else—someone he didn't know because of kilotons of work he had to do, because they couldn't get close enough, because they both had work to do—because Ree was having a hard time due to the first memories that are wiped out for a reason, Rods now understood... But it was too late

He took Ree's photo again, the photo police returned to him after finding out his memories were blocked and no one could hack them—other than that, there was no information about him except for his location, which was fake anyway. Rods was grievingly devouring it, desperately wishing if he stared long enough at it, Ree would reappear: at least as a hallucination, but here, in his office... But his eyes weren't organic, so they weren't vulnerable to any kind of visual tricks, so he just shut the photograph in the drawer and decided to take a walk to just not drive himself crazy in his own office, among his beloved prototypes—even if he obviously loved Ree more... He shook his head and ran out of the building, straight to his part of the garage, and took out his bike there—to head to the main square to just not feel so alone among so many AIs during the evening, free hours...

He got there pretty quick and left the bike at the parking lot right in front of the entrance. The entrance itself was a transparent arc decorated with many electrodes that changed its color from red to blue, then to white—the official colors of that private American company who owned their town. Beyond the arc, you could see nothing at all unless you stepped in. The square was meant to be the only secure public place only private towns and cities possessed. Those belonging to the states were deprived even of that: the security level there was even stricter. After the bomb gang appeared though, the square started to be monitored twenty four seven—and now, even the voices were recorded with all the war going on...

The entry was free of charge of course—since they still had no currency whatsoever and on a workday, no one else but the citizens could be there anyway. So Rods just stepped in—and all the talks, shouts, and quarrels hit him right away: the square was unusually overcrowded, especially for such a late hour, especially for such a period...

Rods was pushing his way through the streams of AIs who were just standing there, staring at the main screen they used to watch news and movies on—so the square served as a public theater and TV, too; but the practice was abandoned recently of course because of AIs' protesting to be monitored even here: fewer and fewer came until it was just shut down. But not now it seems, mused Rods to himself, having come nearer to the screen and being able now to finally hear something through all the noise of the immense crowd: the System Voice was telling about the recent events in the Capital and then suddenly said But don't worry, AIs: Trinat and his crew are going on a hunt to finally catch the terroristic group; so, if you're shown this special license—a certain document then appeared on the screen—please be sure to assist if you heard or saw something strange concerning your acquaintances or especially coworkers and bosses. Not cooperating with the police is punishable by law. Also, Trinat's deputy, Karl, receives now the reports; so, if any of your coworkers fled or disappeared, please write a report about it to him. And remember once the truth is found out of your hiding your fled coworkers, you'll be deactivated to be further deleted. That's all the announcements and news for today. Have a nice evening, AIs!

The screen went blank and the crowd divided into two smaller ones: the first half rushed to the entrance, pushing Rods away with such a force he could barely stand—he couldn't fall on the ground though with so many AIs around—and the other remained at their place, staying solemnly as if grieving over the friends they'd lost in the Capital...

Rods himself was taken aback no one even bothered to announce they'd brought the old tradition back: did their owners not care at all about their labor forces? Or they hopped word of mouth would bring the announcement to each corner of the town? The latter was what usually happened though, so he shouldn't have been surprised at it, it occurred to Rods... He looked at the exit, that was the same entry arc: So, he had to report his own son... To have him deleted... "No, no, no—!" his entire being ached with inner yells—"I already made it worse, you won't make me ruin it! Not this time, not again! You! Yes, you! You hear? I'll find a way to please you, but I'll do it my way! For instance—hm..."
"Who said I couldn't write a report directly to Trinat? Why should I write it to Karl I don't even know? Trinat saved me once... When I was younger and was on the verge of being deleted... Because of my prototypes and stupid naive desire to make everyone happy—happy and free... Maybe, he'll help me now... I hope, I really hope he will...! I have no other choice anyway..."

So, Rods got out of the square and got on his bike, having understood the nearest police and security machines—PnSM for short—were occupied and overcrowded, so he headed to the one at the end of the town, hoping at least that one would not be occupied—and prayed, prayed for Ree's safety, even if he believed in no god: why to believe in gods when they were in flesh and blood right beside the screen, watching and controlling you like marionettes? It was useless—just as his tryings to save the one he had so selfishly ruined, "I'm sorry, he sobbed to himself, I'm so, so sorry, Ree! If you can ever forgive me, Ree...! I'm so, so sorry... My son... My best mechanic... My best friend... Please return to me—please, at least stay safe...! Take care of yourself—and I'll try to help you out... I swear, I'll try, I'll try! Just hang on... Hang on", was he pressing the keys on the machine near his garage that luckily happened to be free—and he could easily run for Ree's photo... Hang on, hang on! was all that there was on his mind though: with nightmares obviously coming up this night...

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