Chapter twenty two: Secret mission.

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"If we go right behind him he will know that someone is following him we have to go by other routes fast enough to get back out behind him." I said as I started the car.
"My gran gran will kill me if she finds out what I'm doing. Thank God my parents are dead." Jun said making us uncomfortable.

Jun was tall and plus size he was from Korea he had black hair and one piece of hair of dyed blonde because as he said.. "I want to stand out from the Chinese ones."
His parents had died in a car accident 4 years ago with his mother being 8 months pregnant with his sister. They saved his sister but his parents didn't make it.
The police said it was an accident but no one believed it because no one just get their brakes cuts and no one just jumps off a cliff without trying to avoid something.

We remained silent.
"Fine! I'm sorry not everyone likes dark humour!"
I stepped sharply on the gas to leave before my father got out and Levi and Jun held on tight.


40 minutes had passed since we had started and we were almost out of gas.

"We're out of town! Where the hell is he going?" Levi said angrily.
"The point is where the hell are we now? We can't even get a signal." I complained.

Jun remained silent.
Suddenly his energy was gone.

"I know where we are." He told us in a serious tone.
"Now we're going to pass the place where my parents were killed. If you look to the right you can also see the spot where they went off the road. They haven't fixed it since." He leaned back in his seat looking down the road.
I looked at the car clock.

                     November 4th, 2019

In 14 minutes he had to meet someone I was also about to meet in a few minutes.

Levis POV:

We were following him up the mountain, bush after bush and tree after tree.
There was a small abandoned house in the top of the mountain.
He was walking fast and somehow scared.

We had finally reached the top of a mountain and all that was there was a half-ruined building.
We were hiding behind a small wall and only I could see Lyn's father and the other black-clothed men waiting for him there.

"You came alone?" He said a very short one.
"Yeah." Her father said.
"Are you sure you weren't followed?" Asked another much larger man.

Jun and Lyn nudged me and started to sign to me.
They were making signs that if a deaf person saw them they would be sure they're cursing at him.
I signed them back to wait and a middle finger.

Lyn put her head between me and the wall could she could see and Jun almost climbed on top of my head.

All the while Lyn's father and the strange guys were having an exchange. Well, not really an exchange. Mr. Ferrit was giving them a suitcase of money, I guess.

I pushed them off me so I could see better.

Suddenly the big guy is punched her father.
And a again and again.
They were beating him.
I had widen my eyes open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Days before he'd been so nice to us and had bailed us out of the sheriff's suspect list.
And now I could see him getting beaten up.

In a split second her father was folded down and a gun was drawn by the short guy.

"You're a fool to come here alone." He laughed.

They were gonna kill him.

"Mr. Alex!" I yelled coming out of our hiding place.
"Dad!" Cried Lynn.
"Lyn! What are you doing here! Go away now!" Shouted Mr. Alex.

They seemed surprised to see us.
I motioned for Jun to go help him.
They began to approach us menacingly.

"Stay behind me!" I said to Lyn, putting my hands up to protect her.

Celyn's POV:

He told me to stay behind him but there was no way I was going to let anyone hurt me or anyone else.

I lowered my hands to reach my bag however it's wasn't there there after all. I probably had dropped it in our hiding place.
I ran back and Levi yelled.
"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?"

I took the bag in my hands and pulled out the gun.
I didn't know what would happen next.
As I clicked the silencer I turned to look.

My father and Jun had disappeared along with two of the four men, leaving only Levi, who was taking punch after punch.
I had to hurry.

I put the silencer and walked directly towards them.
"Leave him alone!" I screamed in terror.
"You're too much girly to play with guns." The short guy said.
"Why don't you come and find out how girly I am?" I challenged him.
"You think I won't come?"

I knew in my heart that I didn't had what it took to pull the trigger and that if he really came, there was nothing I could do.

"Stay out of this Lyn!" Levi struggled to shout.
"Celyn! Sorry!" My father yelled who was behind me with June.
"Pull the trigger." I was challenged by the short guy.
"Lyn! Get out of here!" Levi said.
"I didn't want you to know about all this!" My father shouted again.
"Come on, pull it!" Said the short guy.
"Just go!" Said Levi.

They were talking at the same time, confusing me.
I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Pull the fucking trigger!" Shouted the short guy.
"Lyn! No!" Levi yelled.
"Everybody shut up!" I screamed with all my might and fired into the air and then there was silence.

After a few seconds the short man slowly clapped and said.
"Bravo! We got our money now let's go find the other Bigfoots!" He gestured to the other.

We hooked up Jun's car to my dad's as we were out of gas and got in the car.
"I'm very disappointed in you." My father muttered in the backseat since he wasn't in the position to drive.

I felt so angry. In my eyes he was the perfect father who makes so many back downs to keep his daughters happy but I was wrong.
I was so wrong.

"You don't get to say that! You literally gave money to a bunch of thugs!" I crossed my arms.
"You don't know what you're talking about!"
"I know what I saw!"
He didn't answer because he knew deep down I was right.

I was stubbornly tapping my foot on the ground anxiously and suddenly Levi touched my thigh and gestured that everything was going fine with a bruised eye.

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