Chapter Two: The Campfire

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Great, I'm probably never getting claimed.

According to my new bestfriend, Will Solace, I most likely should get claimed at night during something called the campfire. So, until then, I would get a 5-star tour of Camp Half-Blood by a hephaestus - god of machinery and fire - kid named Leo Valdez. He was actually pretty funny and for some reason was surprised I wasn't telling him to shut up.

The only two things I could remember properly were first finding a golden dragon layn - is that a word? - on the ground. Turns out, it was called the golden fleece and was reallllllllllllly important. And then we visited all the cabins, starting from Leo's cabin which I really liked. Leo had a full on bunker under his bed and we hung out there making corny jokes for a while.

Then, we visited his friend, Piper McLean's cabin, the Aphrodite - love goddess - cabin. It stank of perfume which my body apparently hated and we ran out before it damaged me too much.

Then we visited the Apollo Cabin, about which we could make tons of jokes, I mean, Apollo had to be my dad. My name is Hailey Apollo for any sake. We borrowed two bows from Will and started shooting the target thingies that they had. Somehow, I missed one. I never forgave myself for that.

"Oh, come on, Hailey. You shot more than I did on my first try."

"Waaaa, a new kid shot more than me-"

"Shut up, Leo"


Was everyone this stupid, if so I love this camp.


Finally, after 9 hours 32 minutes and 15 seconds and .32 milliseconds. We gathered at the campfire. Some new kids got claimed, oh sorry, all the new kids got claimed- except me ofcourse. "Hailey, I know I got claimed the moment I got into camp but some people just aren't so great." Classic Leo.

Two Aphrodite kids, one Hermes kid, 1 Athena kid, 1 Mars kid and finally one Apollo kid. 6 kids got claimed and I wasn't one of them. Okay, stop whining Hailey, your parent won't claim you if you whine.

Eventually, we all got to bed, I had to camp out at the Hermes cabin since I hadn't gotten claimed yet. I knew demi-gods had nightmares, but I didn't think they were that bad. Now, my thoughts wouldbe changed.

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